Ken and Debbie, Wonder Twins [Startup]

Cannister 484


After reading Debbie I of course immediately wanted to build a Ken deck. I was preparing for a local meetup and didn't have any Startup decks built yet so I decided that this would probably work well in that format, so: startup.

The basic game plan here is to get a copy of Prepaid down early, shortly followed by Debbie, and The Twinning. Then we play at least one run event per turn to generate value from Ken/PPVD/Cezve/Debbie and charge The Twinning.

Econ is very largely tied to run events so hopefully the S-Dobrados and Inside Jobs can keep things moving long enough to find your breakers while stealing early agendas (hopefully with everyone's new favorite accessory installed to keep the roadblocks at a minimum.

You want to win fast, because at Threat 4 your Shibboleth gets pretty awful at breaking (maybe save an S-Dobrado to close out the game).