Brain Fulla Amps Muthaf%#ka (Eternal) 🧠 [CoS 23]

lukifer 1265

Just hook it to my brains

I played this for the Eternal side of Crown of Server 2023, and it's a much stronger deck than its 2-3 record (at least 2 losses being piloting errors). The engine popped off on every game, drawing a billion cards, taking 7-click turns, Vengeance-locking the Corp, all while hand size kept going up.

This deck started life as an attempt to relive Pancakes Big MaxX; but once I realized that we were allowed six Runnings Hot in this format (for draw, or Zer0, or anything else), it became obvious that we have pancakes at home!

The Matchups:

2x CI (W): Tore them apart with CV, natch. This was the deck I came teched to beat.

RP Asset Grinder (L): Asset spam is the deck's weakest matchup; we run lean on econ, the only support tool being Imp. I was keeping up with the board until the Corp rezzed Blacklist behind ICE, which it turns out shuts off Moose, and we rapidly fell apart.

Biotech Grinder (L): The most hilarious matchup of the day: I was at 8-12 hand size most of the game, turning off flip-kill completely, and kept burning down HQ with CV and Wanton. Yet I still couldn't find more than one agenda after 25+ mills (and Breached Dome scared me off of checking Archives often enough). Alas, I got cocky and burned through all 73 hit points, letting the corp score out Obo's at leisure.

Ob (L): I had a great board position, but basically lost to my opponent putting 3/2's naked on the table, twice 😂 What can I say: they earned it.