NEH Daily FA

Prestige 20

NEH Daily FA

Playing this deck is understanding when to rush scoring, and the windows that can be created with Astroscript counters/SanSan. Scoring the first Astroscript and getting the "train" started is why they call it "fast advance" in the first place. With a SanSan active or using Biotic Labor, scoring a second and having two counters active usually means GG for them. Play this deck slowly so you don't miss windows, and abuse Fast Track to end games quickly fishing for 15 Minutes/Breaking News.


Typical ice package for a NEH FA style deck. I am running Enigma over Quandary right now because I feel like it has gained strength considering most decks are not running Yog like they used to and the first sub is early game tempo loss when you are at your most vulnerable. Toolbooth is for R&D protection if they run RDI, and of course to keep a SanSan active. Wraparound is a awesome piece of ice early, but becomes weak as the game moves on. This card is great however cause it can create instant early game scoring windows for a install/score next turn AstroScript/Beale early in the game. Careful vs Criminal however they love to Inside Job when you try that, and a early AstroScript lost really hurts your ability to score out quickly. Archangel does plenty of work, but at 1 it feels right. Many runners will try to play around it early to keep those early accesses goin bouncing cheap breakers or running naked so don't count on it to keep runners out. Pop-up is obvious, and the "bluff" of it not rezzed can make a runner weary. The economy swing it provides helps too, you need all the creds you can get. I go back and forth on including the 1 Architect, but when it fires it creates possible scoring windows and recursion of key pieces of the puzzle (SanSan, PAD, Cyberdex). The card even allows you to deal with the install costs of stacking ice on R&D or the SanSan. I have seen plenty of people run punishment cards here (Ichi, Roboturret among others), but I feel like that stuff doesn't matter in the face of the runner who will have plenty of money for breakers because your ice isn't very taxing the later the game goes.

Notable Cards:

"Action" Jackson Howard: Your run 11 agendas, you are gonna get flooded from time to time and you don't run very taxing ice. Action gets you around all of that, gets you to more econ, and generally is in every good corp deck ever for the same reason. The runner has to address it or you play keep away with agendas while they sit in archives.

Daily Business Show: This card does huge work. The ability to keep the agenda flood under control, get to econ cards when you need them, and generally set yourself up for score outs make this a key utility card. I also like the fact that if you draw the second one you can play it as it's not unique. Runners should consider trashing it, but at 4 they tend to ignore it.

Fast Track: I run two because even thou you tend to see alot of agendas, the AstroScript Train is how you win. Typical example of optimal play situation: Score a AstroScript with a SanSan, next turn, Fast Track AstroScript, Install, Advance, Script counter to score another. Another situation that happens plenty is you already have 6 points already including a AstroScript counter, Fast Track 15 minutes/Breaking News, Install, Advance, AstroScript counter, or advance sitting on a active SanSan.

Shipment from SanSan: Many people have already explained the reason for this card for ducking Clot (google it), but I would also point out that you are poor plenty with this deck and this card will help you score out. Understand that Clot interaction however especially against Shapers using Self Modifying Code.

Explode-a-palooza: Sometimes I throw this thing out there to get taken, either in archives or in a remote server (with ice or without). In the early game econ is tight, offering them this can get you where you need to be to get that SanSan active and start the Astrotrain, or even get that Toolbooth up to keep that SanSan/R&D protected. I only tend to ever score this with a Active SanSan and a Biotic, or with a naked drop and Biotic on the next turn. In almost all cases I would rather they have it than me. When you get agenda flooded and must Jackson I love throwing it into Archives to get paid while using Jackson to protect the other agendas and return econ.