CI won a regional!! (cleveland)

bblum 5029

If you don't know what's going on with this deck, read these:

4-0 on the day. Matchups against noise, regular kate, whiz, and apoc kate.

The main lesson from today is that skipping 3 rounds of swiss (bye, sweep, sweep, ID, ID) is OP as hell.

Not much to say compared to the next most recent build, only that vanilla is an incredible upgrade over WoS, and that ELP seems like a decent counter to employee strike, although I never actually needed it today (josh01's whiz opted to medium dig before finding either of his 2 ES).

People have asked me whether I'd play Consulting Visit (already having weyland alliance), but since it's a double, you need an extra biotic for it to serve as a 3rd power shutdown, and by the time you have a biotic and $6 extra, you probably have found a shutdown anyway... I mean, it's playable maybe, but if I had a free deck slot it would go to a 9th ice, 2nd ELP, or 2nd CVS first.


runner deck:

Edit: Played this again at Origins this week and took 4th place, losing 1 out of 4 games to siphon-spam andy (which matchup is basically a coin toss ever since cutting down to 2x power shutdown). Jason and I cut our 3rd turings for an ichi and both agreed that it's really welcome as medium defense. Also when magnet comes out, it's going to be a 2-of (probably replacing quandary).

12 Jun 2016 Jcree8

Good job. They have to get rid of those bye's though:)

12 Jun 2016 bloth

Does CI have a way to deal with Councilman?

12 Jun 2016 Trilkin

Grats, Blum.

12 Jun 2016 Wyrm

@bloth Score out with two piles instead of 3

12 Jun 2016 bluebird503

Getting rid of byes probably won't do much, it just makes you need to sweep rd 1 which is usually doable :( IDs in Netrunner are the problem other games don't have this problem with IDs cause you don't get full game wins when you ID @Creedsk8

@bblum Congrats on the win with CI

13 Jun 2016 firesa

congrats, surprised it worked out. Have had some people try to do well with CI, and whilst it can win a lot, decks with a combination of Leela, employee strike, clot, councilman, sac con, smc and the like has meant that pilots that knew what they were doing and drew alright managed just fine v CI. And yeah I have mixed feelings about IDs now, they should possibly be limited to the last round, maybe

13 Jun 2016 LSK

@bloth: He can Shipment multiple Jacksons

13 Jun 2016 bblum

LSK you usually shipment multiple jacksons anyway. You have to win in 2 piles, as Wyrm said, or possibly instead do something fancy such as biotic-biotic-archived for jackson, which is approximately as hard as 2 piles anyway.

That is, assuming the runner correctly councilmans your last jackson instead of your first or second. If you are really screwed you can try to combo anyway hoping they don't know which jackson to shoot. :P

14 Jun 2016 gozik

Just another reason to include vamp in your wizzard decks;)

14 Jun 2016 Wyrm

@gozik Coming from the Vamp City meta, I can confidently tell you that Vamp is a minor speedbump to this deck with Reuse.

21 Jun 2016 triorph

Grats on the result. How did you beat the noise?