Giff Agendas

mootech 10

I have played CT oracle may deck for the majority of my tournaments, and I ended up dropping it sometime last year due to the rise of RP popularity. Simply, the credit and click taxes were too much for the deck, as once the econ events are used, you get starved out.

With comet out, I still avoided going back to this deck, as I didn't think it would impact the deck too much. I tried it, and realized comet is so good. You would think it's obvious, due to the nature of the deck, but alot of the synergy is not that apparent until the deck is played. In addition, the extra memory makes Magnum an option.

2 comet instead of 1, as if one gets trashed to oracle, you don't want to wait a whole levy cycle for another chance at it. Most of the times, you will draw comet with the diesels, quality times, or the few manual draws. Modded may seem like overkill, but because there are so few things to use it on, it will always be there for comet, battering ram, and magnum. It also helps because balancing rig building with running and econ can get very tricky in mid game.

Test run targets should almost always be femme > breaker > breaker > magnum. Magnum last, as 3 lucky finds and 3 sure's with oracle make money not that much of an issue as you draw through. Test run scavenge should be aggressively drawn for, but if you have 2 scavenge, you can throw one down on femme for a random maker's eye or legwork. Tinkering serves the same purpose. Once past early game, aggressively draw for your breakers, and levy to make it more efficient if needed.

If it's cheap enough, i go for cheap legwork or maker runs in the early game, but don't overcommit to aggression. Build up and try to read where the agendas should be. By balancing setup and money, you can usually jank your way into a server with a run event if necessary. Quest completed helps bridge this weak part of the game by avoiding ash and caprice remotes, but I have been switching it in and out with inject. Inject makes the setup much more consistent.

Once you're in late game, it's just run events with magnum opus.

Weak to kill decks, as money is your only real defense. Surprise archers and other high sentries can ruin you.

Oracle may click1 > dirty laundry arch click2 > legwork comet click2 > maker's click3> notoriety click4 is the dream.