Andromeda - Rich Girl ft. Gabe Santiago

CodeMarvelous 20021

This deck is an adaptation of a fantastic deck made by @jackmade

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If you have never seen this absurd Gwen Stefani VIDEO I highly recommend you watch it.

When you live that fat cash lifestyle you spend all day running servers like it ain't no thang. After all it's easier to make money when you have money.

With the release of Temüjin Contract you are strongly incentivised to use the run reward cards such as Medium, The Turning Wheel and John Masanori.

If you are a rich criminal girl with contracts and contacts, what do you do? You play solid breakers and you add as much value as you can to your runs.

This is old school criminal engine dialed up to eleven. We may not be running data sucker but the money and draw added to successful runs is nuts.

16 Aug 2016 ANRguybrush

I recommend Paperclip. It's pretty good.

16 Aug 2016 x3r0h0ur

Seconded, go with the clip, get 1 inf for a film critic or upgrade to gordian. Its built in rig destruction protection!

16 Aug 2016 Thike

I've been running Paperclip + Inti in the 4 inf double Corroder slot. Sometimes Inti is all you need!

16 Aug 2016 Ebrey

Wow this is really close to what I've been running. Definitely sub in Paperclip though. And since you have so much money, you should have a Femme.

I also don't think Temujin Andy needs Sure Gamble. You would always rather see Career Fair in your opening 9.

16 Aug 2016 Pilgrim

What's your thoughts on crash space over sports hopper? I have been trying to run a similar Andy however squeezing in some spy cameras for more targeted R&D runs.

16 Aug 2016 stephenball

Yeah, this feels like a case where the 2 Corroder and the Zu could be changed for 1 Paperclip and a Gordian Blade, which is just so much better than Zu. This would also bring you down to 45 cards, which is definitely the spot Andy wants to be in. Although if this was the case I would want the third Special Order.

@Ebrey I feel like you still run Sure Gamble. It makes your opening Andy turn so much easier and more consistent.

16 Aug 2016 Ebrey

@stephenball The dream combos in turn 1 of Andy is Career Fair + Temujin, Career Fair + Earthrise, and Desperado + Dirty Laundry, because they all let you make a run without chucking any of your cards at the end of the turn. Sure Gamble is better than, say, Femme Fatale on the opening hand, but given that it's not one of the best handful of cards to have in the opener, I wouldn't include it just for that. It helps your econ in long, grindy games against glaciers, but wouldn't you rather have another Kati and another Daily Casts for that matchup?

16 Aug 2016 JackMade

I think this deck is watered down to much with economy. I would at least cut the Daily Casts, the faction has way better options in Temüjin Contract. In addition, i would never cut the second Sneakdoor Beta or the third Special Order.

But thanks for the shoutout :). I am working at it as well and am really hyped to play with Temüjin Contract and Paperclip which is a card for Andromeda: Dispossessed Ristie at heart.

16 Aug 2016 stephenball

@Ebrey Agreed, but Gamble is explosive econ, and the problem with dream combos is that they don't always come true, even with a nine card starting hand. I would just never think about cutting Gamble from an Andy deck.

16 Aug 2016 Ehill

Been testing this archtype, mine is about 3 iterations past this list

first, anarch breakers, suckers are your best friend and lets you push even more run threat,

NRE - helps the HB MU and prevents Lotus Lockout

2x John mas for draw

no rebirth - not worth it in testing

2x Inside job for counter rushing

2x Legwork for mid game pressure

1x plascrete could be modified to crash spaces but for now its never dead because of NRE

no sure gambles

No Kati Jones

No daily Casts because your rig is just that efficient and anything that isn't giving a run or install is not worth slotting

17 Aug 2016 TonyStellato

Incredibly close to what I'm running right now. I don't have Kati Jones because I just don't need it. Even against glacier you can make a pretty penny running. I think inside job is an absolutely necessary card for a faction without a strong AI option. Also, as everyone has said, Paper Clip and a blade make a better rig for the same influence.