Bounce, bounce, baby (top 25 Oxford Regionals 2015)

cdwolstenholme 51

This deck went 5-1 in Swiss, at only my second ever tournament. Sadly my corp let me down badly on the day, so this wasn't good enough for the cut.

The backbone of the deck is the breaker suite, and the ridiculous amount of econ. The 1-of cyber-cypher won me the game twice on the day. Special order is almost always used to get the 1 corroder, however breach is the cheapest way of breaking curtain wall other than femme/D4v1d, for a mere 6 credits total.

The econ engine is insane, with 16 direct econ cards, and desperado and same old thing meaning I was able to beat butcher shop by completely out-moneying it.

On the day it faced:

2x Blue Sun (bootcamp glacier, and another that was over too quickly for me to find out what it was)

1x Butcher Shop

1x MN tagstorm

1x Titan Atlas train

1x ETF Glacier

The only loss was to the ETF glacier, and that largely due to the econ engine letting me down massively, and my opponent rushing when he realised I was stalling