1st Kuwait Nationals - Stealth Andy

kaladorm 47

1st Kuwait nationals. Won vs IG, EtF and Nisei Division, lost to RP.

Been playing Stealth Andy for a long time (since Blue Sun was a big deal) and I keep coming back to it. The real changes from that year old build are Rebirth, Paperclip and Temujin Contract. This might be the last run for her when Smoke is released. A few notes:

Career fair is necessary to make sure you can still dump that hand opener when it has a Temujin. It's also nice to see a paperclip in your opener so you can dump it as card number 6. However having nearly been stung by chronos project I nearly always hard cast it.

To get the extra influence for rebirth and paperclip meant dropping a cloak. This build feels a lot tighter to get those extra parts by not running 3 switchblade or 3 refractor. It just means you need to be more cautious about taking damage or running blind.

HQ Interface over legwork because once you're setup you can consistently access 1 (or more) servers per turn. HQ interface adds pressure to the corp to either dump an agenda in a remote (go get it) or hold onto it and risk being poked each turn.

Inside Job wasn't as useful in the current meta as it used to be.

2 Desperado because I forgot to borrow a third ;)

12 Sep 2016 hutch9514

How was the turnout?

12 Sep 2016 kaladorm

14 people I think