Blue Virus

zeldathecat 6

Three djinn to get your virus' out quick. Drop crypsis asap then datasucker . Build credits. Go. Tutor virus as you need them. Need money ?Gorman drip. Rd wide open? Medium. Hq wide open? Nerve agent. Giant dick ice? Parasite. Corp holding cards for nasty combos/scorched? Imp or drop hemorrhage early. Crypsis is very click intensive and pricey but once hes out you dont need much. Click for a counter .click katie or liberated and run. Very consistent so far . Any feedback is appreciated

26 Feb 2014 Talism

add mimic in, swordsman eats your face well crypsis

26 Feb 2014 bot2563

Crypsis is optionnal and can back with djinn or Deja vu.

Wraparound is the real problem, you must play Knight.

26 Feb 2014 x3r0h0ur

I don't think you can rely on crypsis without stimhack, mimic is also a real time saver. I think noise functions best with wyldside too. I'd drop diesel for 1 of aesops and 2 saharara, and maybe chuck the cyberfeeders. Once you get going the mill engine possibilities from rara can easily overwhelm jhow.

27 Feb 2014 zeldathecat

Saharara sounds good to me but why aesops? If I run wyldside I get it but otherwise its only really good for imp

27 Feb 2014 zeldathecat

Yeah WrapAround no bueno

28 Feb 2014 Talism

aesops works with liberated as well, leave the last 4 on it, and aespos it. saves you the click.