Everything is Code Gates Now - Yacht Club Edition

Lewis.P 102

I'm sure I'm not the first person to make a deck like this, nor will I be the last. But yeah, this is my take on a Kit + Engolo + Boat deck. It isn't optimised, but I've been having a hell of a lot of fun with it recently.

You don't need me to tell you that Parhelion gave charge decks some new toys, but this deck's uniqueness (as far as I can tell, anyway) stems from a much older one. Basically, your plan is very simple. Any hand with an Engolo, or Endurance and econ? Keep. Anything else at all? Mull. Get that out of here. We wanna slam down Engolo as fast as possible, using our tools to do so if possible, and while Endurance is a nice addition, it isn't especially necessary (half the games this deck has won on jnet, it wasn't ever needed. Joining the yacht club is expensive, after all.

When you have your Engolo, or managed to join the yacht club, and have good econ (maybe a Casts or a couple money events), then you wanna start making runs to keep the Corp poor and try and snipe a couple agendas, while digging for 3 things: whichever of Boat or Engolo you don't have, Upya, and Conduit. I mean, sure, throw down cards like Beth or Miss B if you get them to help you out, but your priority is challenging the corp and digging for those. Once you have them on the board, that's where the fun begins.

Conduit does its thing, and R&D looks juicy. Cool. Upya does its thing, and now it looks extra juicy. Cooler. This is the point at which a Corp probably starts throwing every unpleasant toy they have onto R&D, and you're in need of a boost to keep you going. Here are a couple of suggestions, presented for your consideration, dear reader:

  1. Double Up(ya) + Flux Capacitor: Being part of the yacht club means that you also have 2 more MU to play with. That means that you can start using your yacht to power itself, and now each run gives Endurance 2 charges, or an additional Upya charge. And you have 1 more MU. If the Corp is trying to hit you with things like HHN, then Misdirection is always great. If not? Well, look very closely at Upya. Se anything missing? That's right, it isn't unique. You can build charge on multiple Upyas concurrently. And if you're one short for an important run, then you can always Stoneship your problems away!

  2. Double Engolo. Notably, that 2MU from earlier is the exact cost of a second Engolo. Which also happens to not be unique. So, if you're swimming in credits, why not throw down a second, and be able to paint even more ice into weak, breakable code gates? This has the advantage of letting you save up Boat charges for a big, important run, but is a little taxing on credits.

So yeah, that's it, and yeah, this writeup is probably longer than this deck deserves, but hey, it's been great fun to play, and this is my first writeup. So go ahead, give this deck a try, see how people react to a 3-piece breaker suite comprised of a program, a piece of hardware, and your ID itself, and remember; all ice is a code gate, it just doesn't know it yet.