Thrills and kills

HaverOfFun 653

I have never had as much fun playing games of corp netrunner as with this deck.

sebastiank fully created this, I just literally chucked in the suggested changes and gotta say it feels super! (link to that decklist:

Naarm/Melbourne CO:

I played five games with this deck today and each was an absolute thrill ride! I went 2-1. When you give the runner 2 bacterials and they have like 1 or 2 clicks to try and find the last agenda needed before going viral on social media (YDL for 16c) and getting glared at by a sunglasses model (punitive for 6) the excitement (and a lil bit of stress) is unmatched! The inclusion of Keeling to up the tension of these turns is also so much fun! It just adds and extra dimension of threat and allows you to tie up the runner whilst draining their resources if they got a great start and rocketed up in credits as well as stealing a 5/3.

Today was such a cool day and I am endlessly thankful for this wicked scene that we have going on in Naarm and the cool people I get to play and chat with at events!

EMEA Continentals:

Jammed 6 games with this today and got a sick 5-1 result so super excited about that!!! Today has just made me feel more confident in the deck and heaps happy to play it in the nats season (altho who knows, I might Pivot to some other deck). Also special shoutout to Karunā - such a sick card against Carmen and the extra Aumakua counter required over something like Saisentan is super worth it!

Nationals Australia West:

I played 4 games with this today and was honestly feeling a little bit off about it with a pretty heartbreaking 0-4. Just consistently seeing Regenesis and Fujii in the first few turns and not really many early Bacterials (except for one game where I managed to get a super cool setup but made the same mistake of just kinda like fully mentally checking out of the rest of the runner turn as soon as they steal 6 points and they just take the last one off you before you get a sick punitive).

After my games today I wasn't really feeling the deck that much until I found out that the winner of the event played this deck!?! That was absolutely such a sick feeling and has seriously reinvigorated me to get back into it, grind some games and knuckle down on like my twin enemies of extreme stress and over the top excitement which both seriously cost me dearly sometimes.

Beyond that, this was just such an awesome event! I was lucky enough to be able to make the trip interstate and met some awesome people and had some super conversations!

27 Aug 2023 ThePatrician

legend :D

27 Aug 2023 dc_

I've been playing RH in startup as a grindy deck that scores out Regenesis and does Moon Pool shenanigans so looking for a standard deck I just searched up this ID and came across this deck and oh boy I was not ready for the wild games that would come.

I ended up going undefeated with it at Perth Nats, but I had to get super lucky a couple of times with HQ accesses that could have just ended my game. Incredibly fun deck, but the deeper I got into the tournament the dicier it got as people figured out what was going on.