No Taxation Without Representation v 1.0

WardOfTheWoods 711

I always thought Reina had excellent taxation potential due to her ability. Add Donut Taganes into the fray along with Xanadu and Rook and costs for the Corp will quickly add up. This deck takes a while to set up, but once it does it is nigh unstoppable. Out of the 12 games I've played so far, I've only lost to Replicating Perfection in my local meta. There's more than enough econ to sustain the deck in the long term, and most everything in the deck is relatively cheap to play. I'm planning on tinkering with the deck some more in the coming weeks, particularly with draw power -- something I feel the deck is seriously lacking in. I'm thinking of taking out the e3 Feedback Implants for a copy of Mr. Li so I can tutor for it with Hostage. Another thing about the deck is that it takes a while to set up, meaning decks like Fast Advance could give this deck some trouble if icebreakers don't get found quick enough.

Overall it's a fun deck to play but it remains to be seen if it can hold up in more competitive games. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

22 Jul 2014 Mollo

That's quite a few resources, how do you deal with Corp turn tagging and resource trashing? Maybe throw in a New Angeles City Hall?

22 Jul 2014 ncaron

I feel that what this deck is missing is a clear victory path. Keeping the corp poor does not net you points. I think you should find space for a few digging cards like Medium or R&D Interface.

22 Jul 2014 WardOfTheWoods

@y3ol In the games I've played so far I haven't had to worry about getting tags but you make a good point. I'm not sure wht I'd take out for New Angeles City Hall though.

@ncaron I might cut a copy of Bishop and Rook for either Medium or Nerve Agent. Probably Medium though, as I usually get into R&D without much fuss.

Thanks for the input so far, I appreciate it!

22 Jul 2014 ncaron

Yeah I prefere Medium over Nerve Agent. With my similar deck I was usually able to have enough MU for Keyhole and loved the fact that it forced the corp to also defend archive. With Caissa, corp often end up trashign a lot of their ICE which in turn makes it harder to defend all central servers. Using Emergency Shutdown also put pressure on defending HQ thinning their defenses even more.

22 Jul 2014 GPWK

3X Knight. One of the best breakers available, and you're already using Deep Red, a third one makes sense.

I understand why you put the Overminds in, with a max possible 8 counters on it, but in that game you are already probably boned due to lack of programs. With so many other breakers in the deck, you probably don't need a second AI breaker in the deck.

Maybe a third Dyson Mem Chip? It'd be one more MU, (supporting your chess heavy rig) one more link (supporting your Underworld Contact and lowering the cost to break traces) and it would help make sure you see one by the time you need it.

22 Jul 2014 GPWK

Maybe a Keyhole for shennanagins?

22 Jul 2014 Mollo

I was thinking maybe The Helpful AI might be decent splash for additional link and a strength boost for your fixed breakers. I'd drop Gordian Blade and Pipeline in favor of an additional Knight or Overmind.

22 Jul 2014 WardOfTheWoods

I'll definitely add a third Knight to the mixture and drop Pipeline and Gordian Blade. This leaves 4 influence open then for either The Helpful AI as a 2-of or perhaps Professional Contacts? I will also drop a copy of Rook and Bishop to make room for 2 Mediums. Keyhole would be a nice addition to keep pressure on the Corp, so I might drop the extra copies of Overmind to make room for them and try that out. I'm one of those people that likes having the extra icebreakers in case they get trashed somehow, though.

22 Jul 2014 GPWK

Maybe Retrieval Run or Déjà Vu to get your caissa back after they trash them. I know Donut Taganes will make both less efficient, but recursion is always a good thing.

22 Jul 2014 Mollo

@WardOfTheWoods I would use Professional Contacts because you don't have any card draw acceleration, but then you'd have 4 different econ cards relying on clicks. If you do go ProCo, I'd consider dropping at least one of your other click econ. That would make room for Keyhole shenanigans.

22 Jul 2014 WardOfTheWoods

As an alternative to Professional Contacts, I could use the influence left over for Clone Chip. So along with Pawn, that could be enough recursion for my Knights and other caissa. If I drop the single copy of e3 Feedback Implants, I could add a third Clone Chip as well, especilly if I am taking out the Overminds for Keyholes.

23 Jul 2014 GPWK

Somebody mentioned that Clone Chip with Deep Red can pull Knight from your heap and install it mid run. 3x might be worth it for that. Though i do have to point out that e3 Feedback Implants combos nicely with knight, allowing you to break reach subsequent subroutine for 1cr rather than 2.

23 Jul 2014 ncaron

@WardOfTheWoods Not sure I would drop a Rook. This is a card you want early. Once the corp has rezzed a lot of ICE, it pretty much becomes useless unless you also use Emergency Shutdown

23 Jul 2014 Mollo

I started playing with your list, and this is the direction I went with it.

I dropped Ice Carver, I felt you were trying to do too many things with the deck and was losing consistency, but kept Bishop as a back up for the fixed breakers.

Added Medium and Keyhole for shenanigans.

Reina Roja: Freedom Fighter (Mala Tempora)

Event (2)

  • 2x Hostage (Opening Moves) ••••

Hardware (11)

Resource (14)

Icebreaker (9)

Program (9)

15 influence spent (max 15)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Honor and Profit

28 Jul 2014 TipsyGamer

I'd go -1 Donut, +1 Hostage. Influence cost is the same. Hostage can grab Donut if you want him, but the extra copy isn't a dead draw. Though it's one more click, and potentially an extra credit if you have Donut in play, it provides more flexibility and thins your deck slightly.