Resistance is Futile 1st @ [Startup] Swiss Nats

ataraxis 355

Charge me up

This is the deck I built for the Swiss Nats StartUp Single Sided event in Februar 2023. It went 3-1 in the day, slightly worse than my NEH Corp 4-0. Padma is a rather slow Shaper build up deck, but once put together it is resilient and quite unstoppable. And because she is a Cyborg and works with a lot of cybernetic implants I would like to reference Star Trek:

resistance is futile

Good times: Run R&D, charge up the boat three times with Padma, Flux, successful run. Or run R&D, charge Nuka, bounce Ice Wall, draw cards with Nuka.

Slightly less good times: Never found Wake Implant but because of Basilar I was rather efficient with my Deep Dives.

I am fond of the deck, but I was also quite lucky. Opposed a Rush Ob that was flooded and had to be careful, a Pravdivost that was low on ice, and a money-based Weyland whose ice was no match for me. But I still had to draw lot, and setup is rather slow.

Thanks to all the players at Swiss Nationals, especially the lovely TOs lukenukem and oggbonaian.