Glut Plug

sasimirobot 1

After watching Andre using Glut Cipher on Metropole Grid recently, I was inspired to tweak the deck he used. I added Embezzle for the combo with Glut, added Contaminate to use with Gravedigger and Trypano.

I am looking for economy and Trypano for a starting hand. The Fisk Investment Seminar cards are a must for setting up an early Glut run, the sooner the better. I have accessed 3 to 4 agendas these runs, alone, if the Corp is flooded. Sometimes you actually help the corp get back nice cards, but even having intel on their hand is worth the chance.

Economy is brisk, maybe a bit much, but the heap breakers (besides Paperclip) are not very efficient.

If you can contaminate Gravedigger early, put pressure on Archives with Glut and DDoS, bust a few well timed Stimhack or Embezzle, and then do it all over again with Levy AR Lab Access, you are well on your way to game. "Glut Plugging" them 3 times is a maybe, 5-6 times is hopefully GG!

I know the deck is a bit big, but I don't mind, since Maxx runs through it fast.

Go easy on me guys this is my first posted decklist. This is not a tier 1 deck at all, but I am not a tier 1 netrunner player. Greetings from China, and please give feedback and advice!

4 Jun 2018 Robotron5673

Thumbs up for the title.