Sunny's First Day (a la @philadunc)

philadunc 2

This is my first take on a Sunny deck, in fact it's the first deck I made for netrunner. I would like some advice on where to go from here.

Available sets and data packs are: 1 Core Set, Data and Destiny, A Study in Static, Up and Over, All That Remains, The Source, The Valley,

16 Jan 2017 doldol161

Some Clot for slow corp down while you setup, Traffic Jam may help about this too.

I think you need more card draw here, some Symmetrical Visage and Earthrise Hotel is a good choice.

I would drop 1 or 2 breaker from each type make more room for other things since you got some Special Order, or add some good breaker suit from core box to help you deal with annoying ice. You didn't run Data Folding so that's fine to have them on your rig.

This is the most I can help, for now.