Kit's Tricky to Rock a Run

AkAnderson 484

It's tricky, tricky, tricky!

I've been playing a variation of this deck for quite a while and I think it's in a good spot finally. I took it to a store championship this last weekend and it went 3-0. The deck is superb in the early game and forces the Corp to quickly lay down ICE in ways that they probably wouldn't prefer under normal circumstances. In the later game using Scavenge/Clone Chip/SMC allows you to get into 3+ deep servers that the Corp didn't think you had access to. I prefer City Hall over Plascrete because it has more practical uses and with two Levys in the deck you should be fine taking damage as long as it's not lethal. The deck can have money issues but I've found that against certain decks taking 6 from Magnum and then running is pretty efficient.

24 Mar 2014 Heartthrob

This is quite the sniper deck. Those tutors and recursion make it hard for the corp to install agendas in remotes behind any type of ice.

Have you considered any kind of diggers? Maybe Indexing or a splashed Keyhole? Against a Fast Adv there may not be a remote to snipe and you may need to R&D lock them to keep agendas out of their hand.

Maybe -1 Levy and -1 Quality time for +2 Indexing. You have Mr. Li to help you dig through your stack without discarding so you may not be losing much by dropping those. I like the breaker suite...wouldn't change that at all.

Will Paintbrush make the list next week I wonder?

24 Mar 2014 AkAnderson

Sorry, forgot it was my Corp deck that went 3-0, this one went 1-2, haha. Both losses I was at match point, though and one I would've won had I remembered I had Deus X in the heap.

Influence is really tight on this deck so I dunno what I could switch for a Keyhole but I do like the idea of adding some Indexing. I think Kit does like Paintbrush a lot, but I don't know if this particular deck does.