Oracle 2

shep 14

This deck is an Oracle May deck but which can win without Oracle May.

  • 41 events out of 49 cards to optimize Oracle May. Only one copy of Oracle May but can be put in play by Hostage. Having Oracle May is not a priority, it's the icing on the cake.

  • Icebreakers : one copy of each type + Crypsis as a spare wheel. All can be put in play by Special order.

  • The remaining cards are run, economy or tutor/drawing cards. As the deck is weak against flatline, Account Siphon is covered by Lawyer up. Running without icebreaker is possible early game with all the cards which derez or bypass ices.

  • Indexing / maker's Eye for multiple accesses on R&D. Legwork for HQ.

  • Same Old Thing and Planned Assault offer more flexibility to play run cards.

  • Retrieval run seems to be the best option to get back an icebreaker from the heap.

  • Oracle May makes the deck more efficient, faster and better economy.

  • 49 cards instead of 45 to increase the percentage of Event cards playable with Oracle May without lowering too much the stability of the first hand.

  • Start Grip : no really bad grip with Andromeda. So trying to get Oracle May or Hostage. Icebreakers are not a priority.

7 Sep 2014 ryson282

I like the concept, however i would replace the indexing by a Larla to add flexibility to your deck.

Moreover, you are likely to trash SoT by using Oracle May. That might be a problem... However i do not know how to solve that problem...