Chakanantics v1.1

paddosan 3408

Small changes from v1.0: added a copy of both R&D and HQ Interface for some multi-access (works nicely with IMP too), by removing a copy of Chakana and The Source. Gorman Drip stays, and I added Plascrete Carapace.

With Shipment from SanSan, Fast Advance received a new and powerful weapon, and with Mala Tempora there's also the Power Shutdown / Accelerated Diagnostics shenanigan... and an extra advancement required to score might be all it takes to thwart all the plans of the evil Corps!

16 Dec 2013 Kable

Interesting deck, but I'd smash in 2 mimics. Grimoire is a must, I'd definitely put 3, and I'd ditch the interfaces (lol, you just added them) and put back the source and a Djinn. This way, you'll also be able to recover quicker from a friggin' Swordsman by tutoring another fresh Crypsis. You could find room for a Clone Chip or two, too: with Parasite and Ice Carver, that's some serious bling against weak ICE that, using Crypsis, is still not cheap. I'm kinda noob anyway, you know me, so lemme know what you think of these suggestions!

16 Dec 2013 PeekaySK

I've tried something very similar right after C&C came out, and found it to be actually way better with Kate. Grimoire, Surge and maybe Djinn are the only anarch cards you really need for this. Deja-Vu can be replaced with Clone Chips and it actually works a bit better if you can Aesop your Chakanas that got purged.

Also, why the Interfaces over Medium and Nerve Agent? Is it to be more purge-resilient?

17 Dec 2013 paddosan

@Kable: A second Mimic was an option, but I couldn't find the space... and I wanna see if the Swordsman threat is real (as in, it's a widely used card or not) anyway. One copy of the interfaces is not much, but either one will definitely make the Corp feel uneasy, and it will provide interesting options especially with IMP. Clone Chip was another option, but I didn't wanna repeat the same in all my decks... it's a good card, but in no way a must have everywhere. Besides I can use Déjà Vu.

@Peekay5K_ Yes, mainly because I want the extra access to stick around, and not be trashed every once in a while. There's so many viruses already, that the Corp might be purging a lot as it is. It could indeed be better with Shapers in many ways, but Noise adds pressure on Archives and extra possibilitiy to score points, so it might be worth it in Anarchs too.

17 Dec 2013 HepatitvsJ

I've been debating putting the source in my decks JUST for the power shutdown/AD combo. Then I remembered this deck and you updated it. :) How has it been testing for you in general? I think it's a great concept but I just don't see it being as efficient as so many other decks. You're basically using an underpowered faction, imo, and using your INF to shut down a single strategy, FA, which has gotten another option in PS/AD.

17 Dec 2013 paddosan

I do need to work on efficiency, in my tests it has proved to be way slower if compared to Andromeda or Rielle. This means that even with Chakana and The Source, the Corp might be able to score a few points before I manage to set up a decent rig and economy.

17 Dec 2013 HepatitvsJ

That's my main concern. I've debated going -1 nerve agent, -1 ninja, for +2 the source in my Skates contacts deck just for the chance but I think a combination of aggressive running and luck is whats needed. Keep the corp as poor as possible and run. I'll see at the tournament Saturday. :)

18 Dec 2013 x3r0h0ur

If you need imp in shaper, remember scavenge lets you use it 2+ times per turn!