Paint the Morning Stars V2

Armouredblood 22

A fun reina deck to run, once you get the wyldside going and a morningstar or femme retrieved you can get in a lot of places for cheap. It's not going to get through big ice easily, but the 1-of paintbrush and datasuckers help your morningstar compensate. You need the memchip for a full rig, but you won't need the brush unless you're facing huge ice, and that can be managed without medium until you want it.

The real key to the deck is managing the economy. If you run carefully to avoid your resource econ getting trashed you'll be set for the game, as the retrievals and stim/clone chip combo will cover the morningstar or femme, or even yog in a pinch. Be careful as pitching one can telegraph your retrieval run on archives and the corp will block you, though you should be getting it in early enough they can't protect everything. Don't be afraid of wyldside, be ready to pitch extra cards every turn for that necessary run or accounts click if you don't have aesop's yet.