medium well hoshiko [3-1 and 6th at Jul AMT]

Jai 2233

My humble contribution to Big Hoshiko theory before Liberation Cycle and rotation (hopefully) change up the meta.

Boomerangs are for the tempo matchups like Azmari and Outfit and sometimes Ob where you absolutely positively have to get into the remote this turn but you know there's a Magnet lurking around somewhere waiting to snipe your Botulus. Having the skill to draw it out of a 56 card deck in the first 2 turns is an exercise left to the reader.

Bukhgalter is because I enjoy not paying 9c for Anansi and 12c for Hydra. Unlike many of my questionably-intellectual tech choices, this one actually came in relevant on the day!

Beat Outfit, Azmari, Acme on the day. The Acme game was reviewed by the inimitable Aksu on his YT channel (go check it out, it's great!) at starting from 4:37:40.

My one loss was to PE. Clearly the deck doesn't have enough cards in it.

ABR friendos

Jai out