Super Advanced

Pinkwarrior 2351

Super Modernism meets Fast Advance. Rush when you can Fast Advance when rush isn't viable and remove Clot's/Siphons and other cards that screw with your win condition ignore everything else.

Marilyn Campaign Imo this is one of the most powerful cards from TD it compares nicely to the other campaigns but also shuffles it's self back when it's trashed essentially giving you infinite credits.

Oberth Protocol as much as a SanSan City Grid would be better its also more expensive and influence costing so Oberth + a Hostile Takeover is a poor mans substitute. Oberth dose allow you to FA a GFI with a couple of tricks or never advance one out with only a single one but generally use Trick of Light where-ever possible.

Cyberdex Virus Suite to put that Clot out of buissness forever.

Guard to help with rush against crims & Changeling tho a little expensive means they need to find 2 breakers to get through your rush.

Sapper allows you to still win by lockout one early run could lose them a breaker forever with this thing hanging out in your deck.

5 May 2017 PurinaBisonChow

With nothing to punish a careless runner, this isn't really a Supermodernism deck. No Snare!, no SEA Source, no Scorched Earth. Really, once they have a Killer out, they can run your R&D with almost complete impunity. That isn't really a knock against the deck, I guess I just felt the need to point it out.

Personally, I feel like a couple of Dedication Ceremonies would more efficiently provide advancement tokens for your Tricks when compared to Anson Rose since Anson requires you protect a second remote. You could also probably cut the Changelings for a third Dedication and maybe a current (like Scarcity of Resources or Housekeeping).

5 May 2017 Pinkwarrior

@PurinaBisonChow True the deck is more focused on the rush side on the Supermodernism side rather than the punishment.

You maybe right about Dedication Ceremony for counters but you don't really have to protect Anson Rose in a separate server once you res an ICE you move the counters their freeing the server & you can still FA with tricks while he's in the remote as soon as you get a couple on him. Also DC add's an odd number of counters annoyingly and doesn't work as well with ICE but like i say you could be right.

I am abit wary of cutting the Changeling's as i feel they can do the work of 2 ICE. I do feel this could be improved upon but the main switch of focus from the usual Skorpios Defense Systems: Persuasive Power rig destruction decks has proven to be very successful for me and its more about tweaking that idea at the moment.