Telemetry of a viral angel

Vexation 130

I've been experimenting with Valencia since O&C came out, since she supports a rather different playstyle than what one traditionally expects from an anarch runner. The power of recurring Blackmails is unquestionable, but early versions of the deck (aptly named 'not quite there') didn't quite perform as fast as it is required in the current environment. After a few modest attempts, I decided to incorporate the whole chakana/progenitor/VBG stalling engine, with an added hivemind to make things tar down as much as possible.

The deck performed ok, but still there was something missing, so I switched out the plascretes for New Angeles and added further drip elements with Zona Sul. I don't know if the deck is trolling me right now, but it's performing exceptionally well in testing against a variety of corp setups.

It's far from perfect, but it can win more often than not, especially if your opponent is not able to play around it (e.g. score an accelerated beta test with biotic labor early on to create a scoring server, or pop executive bootcamp and rez the ice protecting bootcamp as his first priority).

Theoretically you can make it a bit more versatile by dropping the Levy and one Flint for 2xEmergency Shutdown and the Frame Job for a third SoT, but personally I prefer rolling that way.

Anyway, enjoy blackmailing everyone :)

18 Mar 2015 Father Tork

Playing a Levy AR Lab Access with Ekomindon the table will insta dump your programs as for just a brief moment, your memory limit will be 0...

18 Mar 2015 Vexation

Oh, didn't know that! Emergency shutdown became that more lucrative :)

18 Mar 2015 Sarakhan

looks good! is it inside the meta confines post O&C though?

Does it beat NEH ? What you prefer to put on Progenitor? Ideal opening hand? Are you now netdecking as you are playing a list that is now in the net?

Thanks in advance for your answers

18 Mar 2015 Father Tork

I tried using Valencia Estevez: The Angel of Cayambe with Ekomind/Origami

My problem is I found it a bit slow to set up. But I'm happy to know it's been working for you.

18 Mar 2015 Vexation

The trick is to put chakana and/or hivemind on progenitor. That way, if you have the VBGs down you have a two click advantage over a purging corp. Other experiments I made using Source/Fall guy/etc haven't had the same success.

18 Mar 2015 Sarakhan

Thanks a lot for your input!!

I will use this in local RAM (Relentless Athenian Meta) as our top players here are using the safest bet corp side. Maybe this will help tip the Balance .