Maker Faire

onesadjam 33

Welcome to Maker Faire! Learn tips of the trade for producing whatever like in your own personal workshop. Expand your network of contacts with both professional and underworld makers who can help you source those hard to find bits and earn a bit on the side.

Personal Workshop is the key to this deck. A lot of the hardware and programs are really expensive. It is critical to get them loaded onto a workshop as soon as possible. When running you'll use anything on the workshop as a credit dump before gaining credits for a rez'd ice.

Nasir needs plenty of card draw, which is why Professional Contacts fits so well. Coupled with Diesel you will find that you will work through your deck fairly quickly.

When looking at opening hands the order of preference is Workshop, then ProCon. If you don't have either of these, mulligan.

Xanadu can be more than just a nuisance to the corp and money for you, it can be a lifesaver. When encountering a Popup Window or Pup you would normally be too poor to get by them on credits alone. Xanadu fixes that right up.

As far as economy goes, I get a lot of my credits from the corp. ProCon supplements that as I draw, and Underworld Contacts will supply clickless credits at the start of each turn. There are a number of ways to get the second link needed to trigger these off. The Toolbox will definitely get you there, and the Helpful AI also harmonizes well with the fixed strength breakers.

Speaking of fixed strength breakers, they seem an easy pairing with Nasir. They are extremely cheap to operate, and the high install cost is mitigated by the workshop. Getting into a long game can mean that the corp no longer has ice to rez, limiting Nasir's income. The fixed strength breakers are a boon here. I've found Femme to be effective simply as a threat as it sits on the workshop, letting the corp know that any tricks they may want to employ can be bypassed. Sharpshooter is Archer antidote, and Deus X is present to avoid any Jinteki hi-jinks. SMC is here only in the case that I can't get the workshop loaded up quickly enough.

In play, I've found that I regularly go through the entire deck. I've included Levy and Same Old Thing particularly to combat Jinteki.

Overall, I don't think this deck is reliable enough to see tournament play, but it is a lot of fun for casual play. Nasir forces the corp to make unique decisions when rezzing ice, and it is a lot of fun to see them squirm.