Andromeda goes to the Fair

Butler223 70

This deck I threw together with the intent of making into "That" Sage deck - instead, I decided that a strength 30 or so Sage was not that far removed from a strength 8 - 12. The deck was redesigned a few times, and ended up in its current form.

The big card(s) in the deck are, obviously, Sage, and e3 Feedback Implants - With a 'minimal' set of breakers, it will sit at strength 15, and can break almost any Code Gate or Barrier for [Number of Subroutines] + 1. I don't predict running into any serious Code Gates at a higher strength, but bonus strength Barriers sure are a thing (Firewall, for example) - as such, Corroder and 2x Femme Fatale are included for safety.


The first Andromeda turn, I feel, is all about dropping four cards from your Grip. Sure Gamble is a great way to assist that, but ideally, Career Fair will throw down with more-or-less any resource card, preferably Daily Casts or Data Folding. If you can, get a Daily Casts down with Earthrise Hotel for a super fast start. Failing that, Box-E is a solid first turn play for the extra hand size, though not nearly as fast.

Mid game, you'll want to focus on getting Sage, one of either Femme Fatale or Ninja, and ideally a e3 Feedback Implants into your rig - this will allow you to get (reletively!) easily into any server. Use this to get some Bank Jobs cashed in, or push through Account Siphon. Keep throwing Earthrise Hotel down as you need, and get as many MemStrips down as possible (delicious Sage strength!), and try to keep pressure on. Occasional Legwork runs and/R&D runs (with or without R&D Interface) are good. Only install Corroder or the backup Femme Fatales if you have to - more programs equals less Sage power.

Against someone who hasn't seen the deck, you can try throwing the MemStrips down before Sage hits the table - that ought to get the Corp player guessing (A virus Criminal deck? Is that even a thing?!?)

That's all I really have for now! I've not had much chance to test the deck so far, but really looking forward to throwing it down in the near future.