Conscious Nasir

b4ralai 1154

A.C.M.E. trademark inc.

Description soon.

29 Sep 2015 FarCryFromHuman

With all your extra and the power of Faust, Notoriety might be worthwhile.

29 Sep 2015 thesm17

Interesting idea. What's it like without Parasite for annoying ice? And how often are you able to use the Sure Gamble with the Drug Dealers? Do you wait until Kati Jones is full and then take it click one, SG click two, run click three/four?

29 Sep 2015 b4ralai

To be honest sure gamble are only useful on the first turn, than become faust's food. Kati is good mostly against tollbooth. Click for credit is enough to run this deck :) I've already modified something, like adding film critic and clot.

@FarCryFromHuman it was born as a new notoriety faust deck, after my faust theory one, but it simply don't work this way :P

This is a strong midlategamer, that hammer red and hq taxing and derezzing endlessly.

29 Sep 2015 thesm17

I know this is a weird suggestion, but what about changing the Sure Gamble for Infiltration? It's not as good burst econ, but sometimes knowing what's deep in that remote server can help, and other times you can click for two creds.

29 Sep 2015 b4ralai

indeed it could work! thanks @thesm17!!

29 Sep 2015 CJFM

I think you would rather have Ghost Runner instead of Sure Gamble. And you probably just want the one LARLA. DaVinci seems cool here.

29 Sep 2015 b4ralai

Another good tip! Thanks @CJFM!

29 Sep 2015 mawa

No Plascrete in Nasir? SEA double scorch will still kick your ass though, right? Even with 3 drug dealers and a full hand?

29 Sep 2015 LynxMegaCorp

I think Armitage Codebusting is a great companion to Drug Dealer.

29 Sep 2015 b4ralai

Yeah, this was only an alpha version made and tested in a couple of days. Now I'm fixing it hard and setting it properly to face everything, since this deck has a lot of potential.

Hard to lose if played properly.

30 Sep 2015 Dr.Evil