[Startup] An Original Decklist [2-1 @ Naarm CO]

abstracted 43

nobody has ever in the history of netrunner thought to do this style of deck in this faction, right?

Not sure how much I have to say about this one. With several powerful Shaper events rotating into Startup, a PPVP Hermes Tao list seemed to be a good fundamentals option. I'm pretty happy with how this deck performed on the day!

There are definitely some changes I'd make, though. As nice as Ashen Epilogue looked, it feels like I rarely play it - and when I do, the game usually ends very soon. It's also rough to draw early - losing 1 effective hand-size when you're trying to go through your deck at speed felt like a higher cost than I was anticipating, and it's nigh impossible to protect it against the damage decks where it's most important. Maybe that's just the matchups I played though: somehow I dodged Weyland all 3 games I played.

I'm really not sure where I land on Muse in this style of deck, either. I'm effectively playing it as Shaper Mutual Favor, and committing 2c+1MU for that is a high cost, even with the relatively low number of programs I'm playing. Maybe just second copies of breakers would be better.

Trick Shot is also one heck of a card- every time I played it, the click compression combined with the instant economic burst felt highly impactful- I'd definitely want to be on 3 going forwards.

Once again, thanks to the local Naarm meta for getting some testing games in and just - in short - being incredible!

9 Apr 2024 HaverOfFun

Nice stuff! the fermenters look groovy in this - did you ever find the muse being used to reuse a fermenter or was it just important to use them for finding your breakers?

9 Apr 2024 abstracted

The games that I played went too quickly for that line to seem to work, and I was getting enough economy out of my other cards. That said, I do like that line being there for, say, a glacier Nuvem or A Teia matchup!

9 Apr 2024 module433mhz

yeah, the style of deck in this faction.
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