Installation Wizard v2

Steamwood 313

This deck's main focus is renewable economy and maintaining a huge selection of remote servers. With a couple of traps spread among the various assets, the runner will often fall prey to the Secretary or Edge of the World. That will help get rid of their icebreakers (and brain).

It's not without its flaws, of course. A large number of the icebreakers can be broken partly with clicks, and early barrier-breakers will cause you trouble. If you spread the assets out, a dedicated runner will destroy your economy. However, Isabel McGuire's ability to redistribute ice helps you keep surprising the runner.

I included the Clearance cards to help get the deck up and running, since you will need a large amount of ice to keep you in the game. If you can get an Alix up early and keep it safe, it'll be the end of any money woes you could possibly have. I once made 30 credits using it!

This deck is dangerous to use against Whizzard, but I haven't had much trouble with anyone who can't deal with your remotes. With a strong economy in place, you can get any ice going before the runner can muster up the recurring funds to get past. Installation complete!