Swapperoni Swapperoo (12th, 25th, 42th UK Nats 2022)

JackMade 3259

Swap it like it's hot

When the Ob's in the crib ma

Swap it like it's hot, Swap it like it's hot, Swap it like it's hot

When the punks try to get at you

Stop em like it's hot, Stop em like it's hot, Stop em like it's hot

And if Rashida get a attitude

Pop it like it's hot, Pop it like it's hot, Pop it like it's hot...

Card Choices

Launch Campaign: I found this card to be so much better than Special Offer as the 1 drop to get. First - no influence payed, second - it happens on your terms, third - it's remote bait for Pinhole Threading. I oftentimes found myself Extracting it for value but it's totally fine if it runs out and get's a Rashida Jaheem or a Spin Doctor.

Ice Wall: Just to be able to fetch a 1 cost ICE. sometimes takes away 9 creds from the runner because they are running HQ while i was on 1 credit only. Guess what! Ice Wall is a card!

Thimblerig: Secret MVP doing a lot of little things. Filling in on the 2 drop slot, being able to get my more expensive ICE out of Hippo's range, synergizing nicely with Border Control in every imaginable way and putting Formicaries in actually useful spots.

No Special Offer, less Envelopment, more Skunk and Mavirus. Also swapped an Oaktown Renovation for an Azef Protocol. Special Offer and to a degree also Envelopment happen on the runner terms which is restricting your runner turn Ob trigger. I don't want that. Mavirus is the opposite protecting all servers at the same time with the instant speed Ob trigger for Manegarm Skunkworks. More Manegarm Skunkworks is just güd because it's the main wincon in the mid game before you can FA out the last points.

6-1 in Swiss, 0-2 in the Cut

(scores for the round underneath each round)

Swiss Portion

1st round vs milan on Adam win

Milan was my team mate in PoS the day before and i was a little sad to get paired to him first round. His Adam could not keep up with the rush and i scored out in the remote. He saw lots of non-agenda cards on top of r&d but the agendas where in my starting hand already or from overdraws.


2nd round win

My memory is betraying me here, i know my opponent was very nice and it was a convincing win but not much else.


3rd round vs rotom on 419 loss

rotom was on a pretty regular Boat 419 and installed a Bankroll in the first turn. I was too poor early to keep him out of centrals and the Bankroll actually went up 2 digit figures. I tried to fight my way back into the game and i think it was kinda close still. I dont recall much sadly but in the end it was a fight i could not win.


4th round vs wb on 419 win

First time meeting Eric in person and it was a real pleasure. I dont know much about the game, but i won pretty convincingly. 419s triggers get eaten all the time by Ob.


5th round win

Again, had a super nice opponent that i really enjoyed playing against but can't remember a thing about the game. My memory betraying me once again on the name as well.


6th round vs rotage on TagMeHoshiko win

This game was on stream. I think it was a perfect showcase on what the deck is capable of doing, when you get a god draw. If interested, game start's around 1 hour into the video: Swiss stream by wyrm 8-4

7th round vs pinsel on 419 win

(241) Paired last around against my teammate and closest testing partner and friend in the group. Oh well, only one of us has the possibilty to get in and we are both on the exact same lists. I win the die roll and am able to roll 419 once more. I never 241d before and i am still unhappy that it's a thing in tournaments, but before the round i made a mental note to 241 vs pinsel if that was the pairing, because it would be too heartbreaking to get us both kicked out of contention for top16 just because of morals. It ended up being good in another way, since pinsel got really sick the next day so would not have been able to play anyway.


Top 16 Cut

1st game vinegarymink on Apoc Hoshiko loss

This game was a hard fight early and i managed to drag him through my remote multiple times. He got to 5 points in the process but was completely broke. I was on 3 points with an Oaktown Renovation in an imprenetable remote and safe HQ. R&D is a little iffy with only a unrezzed Thimblerig to protect it. He clicks for 4c for his turn, i mandatory into Mavirus so that my hand is Audacity, Audacity and Mavirus. So i install the Mavirus into my remote and double advance the Oaktown Renovation so that i can score it out next turn but have Manegarm Skunkworks fetchable if needed. In his next turn he runs R&D first click, i rez Thimblerig swap it for some remote ICE, but forget over the flipping situation to use Mavirus to fetch Manegarm Skunkworks. He topdecks a 2 pointer and wins. In retrospect, Manegarm Skunkworks would have probably not changed much since i was out of Formicaries but it was still something i was mad about.

3rd game rotage loss

rotage got his revenge on me for the loss in the swiss. he lucksacked 4 points from R&D and managed to steal my Oaktown Renovation behind a Sandstone from the remote after only being on around 8 creds and Moshing away 2 Black Orchestra the turn before by just installing Paperclip from hand and running the remote. After him being on 6 points and me on 1 from a Hostile Takeover score so early i switched gears and tried to fast advance 6 points for the win. For some time we fought over Spin Doctors that i put in my good remote so that i could Audacity and shuffle but i just kept drawing agendas. so i went for the hail mary of audacitying an Azef Protocol anyway and hoped that he would never check archives. Next turn he drew twice and Dirty Laundried archives for the win.

This was such an awesome comeback to real life netrunner, it was very much my best weekend in 2 years. Thanks go to everyone involved and remember:

Swap it like it's hot!

picture of proxy thimblerig

29 Nov 2022 pspacekitten


29 Nov 2022 paulyg

Always be swappin'

29 Nov 2022 Havvy

pleasure playing against this deck, and meeting you with you! 100% going to try it out

29 Nov 2022 JackMade

@HavvyAppreciated. Was it 2nd or 5th round we played? Deck's a beast!

29 Nov 2022 rotage

Great deck, that game on stream demonstrated the power of the deck and your excellent use of it :)