Cloud 9 v1.1

Chuftbot 856

I've been playtesting this with proxies recently. It's not tier 1 or anything, but it's ridiculously fun to pilot.

The basic idea behind this deck is to toss out at least one card that produces link ASAP. Mulligan for anything with link, ideally a Forger, but anything works. Then you toss out your super cheap, incredibly useful hardware piece by piece and start knocking remotes over for almost free as you trickle in all the money you need.

Most of this deck is pretty straightforward, but I feel the need to explain the inclusion of two particular cards:


This card. This CARD. Let's look at a sub-optimal setup just to give an idea of how good this can be. You have one LLDS and Clone Chip installed, as well as any two of your (very inexpensive) programs. That obnoxious Jinteki player across the table installs something in a remote behind a Lotus Field like a huge jerk and he's got another piece of mystery ICE in front of that. What do you do?

You pay one measly credit, snicker, toss out a Crowbar, and rip that code gate off its hinges is what you do.

Your little Crowbar is already at 3 strength because of itself and two other programs being installed, plus one this turn for LLDS. You run the mystery piece of ICE, and unless it's a 6 strength ICE that ends the run you can clone chip in whatever you need. If they even bother rezzing, you break it for no more than 2 credits (1 for Crowbar/Spike and 1 for the Clone Chip in the first place) and draw a card for the Clone Chip, plus tossing the breaker. You Crowbar the Lotus Field, then you snack on what is probably a juicy agenda.

That Rather Friendly AI Fellow:

It's a link, it pumps your breakers to stupid STR, and it draws you a card. He's such a helpful chap.


Fun deck is fun. It needs some more optimization, but playing a blue shaper is super entertaining as is. I'd love to discuss changes and improvements.

Geist is awesome.

26 Jun 2015 PurinaBisonChow

Is there any way you can fit a Levy AR Lab Access into here? With all that trashing and drawing, you'll be tearing through this deck and being able to cycle through it a second time is amazing.

26 Jun 2015 Watzlav

I was really sceptical looking at this, since you have no card draw whatsoever. Then I realized Geist's ability is a card draw and wondered: Is that enough?

26 Jun 2015 Chuftbot

@PurinaBisonChow I have a different draft that includes a Levy instead of a Maker's and one LLDS, but I haven't tested it enough to be confident on whether or not this works. There may be a more optimal way to rejigger the influence. I've found that if you're judicious with your runs you'll usually be fine, but Levy is amazing and worth considering.

@Watzlav I didn't think it would be at first, but you can snowball into a lot of draw as you take out a server. Most of your programs, Crash Space, Clone Chip, Forger, and Helpful all replace themselves. I'm contemplating Street Peddler as well, since that's basically card draw that triggers Geist again.

26 Jun 2015 Shiiuga

If you're relying on link for the cloud breakers, why not also rely on it for Underworld Contacts instead of (or as well as) the more expensive Data Folding?

26 Jun 2015 Shiiuga

Ignore me it's right there.

26 Jun 2015 Watzlav

@Chuftbot I think that Street Peddler is the right call. I wasn't as thrilled about the LLDS as you are, so they're gone to free up influence.

I also put in baby and Same Old Things. Second copies of central breakers are replaced by two Special Orders and Dyson Mem Chip should imho really be Access to Globalsec since you don't need the extra MU.

I agree that it's really fun to pilot.