Mac & Cheese

Ragnarook 13

This started as an offshoot of the Kate Siphon decks from this thread: and the German nationals deck from last year:, but it's grown a bit over time.

The central concept remains the same: build a massive rig as you go, using Account Siphon to fund the next pieces of your rig. Hit them hard where it hurts (account siphon), and when they're recovering, go for the jugular (R&D lock). It does give up a bit of early remote pressure by not including crypsis, but the more I played with it the more of a dead card it seemed to be, so I dropped from 2 to 1 to 0 and now I just rely on SMC and card draw to get me where I need to go.

I also dropped one account siphon from the mix, replacing it with a range of tutorable answers (I personally love toolbox-type decks, especially with tons of card draw). Consistency has never been much of an issue. My games tend to start with one of three situations: datasucker to force a rez on HQ, letting me know what I need to make my account siphon hit, or SMC into account siphon, or Magnum Opus/SMC into whatever I need. Mid/late game, a combination of Magnum Opus and R&D interface and proceed to lock them out of the game.

Many opponents don't expect account siphon from Kate; the ones that do typically don't score early agendas and eventually get shut out by magnum opus economy.

Weyland is a laughably easy matchup - since I'm planning to go tagme anyway, and I have 3 plascretes and 6 draw cards. Once I get a rig together, it's just a matter of time since they have no late game fast advance option.

NBN falls into one of two categories - Never Advance taxation, which Magnum Opus & Toolbox are pretty good at handling; or Astrobiotics type super-rush, which SMC can often (not always) deal with. In either case, R&D lock is a great win condition.

Jinteki dies to tutorable Deus X, lots of card draw, and recurrable Levy AR.

HB glacier is actually the hardest matchup, but again R&D interface + MO economy saves the day (this was actually the main reason i put datasuckers into the mix, to give me a cost-effective way to deal with Ichis late game).

Overall, I think this is a very strong deck with no major weaknesses to any of the main archetypes. I've taken slight variations of it to 3 store championships and a regular tournament, and only lost 3 games out of 19 (didn't win any prizes, but that's more the fault of my crappy corp decks).