1st Place GNK Hasselt (16p): Anyway The Wind Blows

ryanbantwins 2753

Took this deck to the latest GNK. It went 3-1 with wins against "5 agenda Blue Sun", "Spark FA" and "Gagarin Turtlebacks". And one loss against HB Foodcoats.

Most of the deck should be pretty obvious. Good drip econ in combination with her own breaker suit. Multithreader and RDI are there to secure the R&D lock.

Career Fair, Modded and Street Peddler will speed the deck up and are basically the backbone of the deck.

I only play one Nexus because that card is way too expensive early on, and i'll probably draw almost my entire deck before the end of the game. 3 of each breaker to contest early remotes against rush.

This deck is way faster than people give it credit for, yet the early stages will definitely be rougher than your late game. The deck works pretty well, but I might try to fit in 1 or 2 stimhacks to maximise the potential of Street Peddler and her breaker suit.

21 Dec 2015 HolyMackerel

Globalsec Security Clearance? It's power is beyond insane. It saves you many a taxing R&D run, as long as you can trash any Daily Business Show the corp throws at you. It could save you influence on the interfaces for more econ, or fun traps from under a Peddler like DDoS,or Ice Carver.

21 Dec 2015 Pinkwarrior

@ryanbantwins I agree I've been playing sunny alot lately & have her winning alot she's faster than most people give her credit you just have to face check is all I also feel alot of people make the mistake of building around Security Nexus adding link and Power Tap's. It's a nice console but too expensive & slow to build around.

I personaly feel Data Folding is a little too slow & discouragers you from useing all that exta MU you have. But that's a personal grib & I do like the deck and feel that it looks strong and built right.

21 Dec 2015 CodeMarvelous

This looks like a very cleaned up version of the MK1 praise the sun deck. congrats on the win and the edits!

21 Dec 2015 ryanbantwins

@pang4 I'm not convinced by Globalsec Security Clearance yet. Paying a click for information is a lot, and many decks have ways to insta-shuffle their deck if needed. But more important GSC is not enough to R&D lock your opponent. I found myself often in the situation where my opponent was on matchpoint (sometimes with astrotoken). With GSC they could have easily drawn past the lock, since you can't ensure an HQ lock. It's way harder to draw past 3 cards. And in the late game there's almost nothing they can do to break your lock. My opponents were stacking R&D 4-5 deep including things like tollbooth and archer. And even then I could make one R&D run every single turn, without weakening my board state.

@PinkwarriorData Folding is indeed akward without a Career Fair and I agree that her MU situation is kinda interesting. She's the only runner that has 4-5 MU left after a complete breaker suit. I think Multithreader is definitely the right call for 2 MU, but what else to do with the other 2 slots.

Datasuckers are synergistic, but were disappointing during testing.

Medium is not good enough with all the CVS going around.

Parasite doesn't make it faster, just less taxing.

I would love to put in 2 Sneakdoor Beta but it's so influence heavy and those mini factions need a lot of low influence cards to keep the quality of your deck high (you dant want to start filling your deck up with useless neutral cards)


Any suggestions for the last two MU

21 Dec 2015 HolyMackerel

A card I personally run is Self-modifying Code. It's great with threaders, and can find you both the breaker you need or a threader. It's a solid 2of in my sunny-deck, and it has never disappointed.

21 Dec 2015 Pinkwarrior

@ryanbantwins Yeah with Career Fair the Data Folding do seem better the more I look at it the more I see that it makes sense for your build the way your deck runs and mine runs is actually very different despite alot of the same cards and ideals. I am using Datasucker's with the Multithreader's but my deck is built around Jak Sinclair so their generally more use to me than they would be to you I also am spending alot of influence on Security Testing so don't really have the same free influence for them & Modded.

Nerve Agent seems like a easy swap for the HQI but theirs no search so their ins't much of an up side to doing that. The better idea to me seems to me to be Keyhole over the Medium Idea it'll use all the MU, give you more info on the corps deck and forces them to ICE archive spreading them more thin. It'll also help alot for Jinteki decks. I can't actually think of much else that would fit your build tbh.

21 Dec 2015 ryanbantwins

I will definitely try out SMC in Sunny soon. It would justify the stimhacks that I want in combination with street peddler. It will give you some nice early remote pressure. I will probably run some other programs with it. Hell maybe even a clot :p.
But it will be a totally different deck with a different strategy than this one.

Not convinced that keyhole is better than RDI in this deck. Keyhole loses a lot of its power when you're not able to run R&D more than once per turn. But even more important is that you lose your R&D lock against FA, and I think that would be fatal for that matchup.

21 Dec 2015 Pinkwarrior

@ryanbantwins Yeah I think your right their it be fine with both but like I say I don't think anything really fits that extra MU slot for your build best is Datasucker's really and I feel you don't really need em. I suppose the "If it ant broken don't fix it" comes into play here.