"Eden" - Runner Deck V1.8.2

Chezni 102

I've only just begun playing Netrunner. This deck is not tournament level.

Pre Game: Ditch "Always Be Running" and choose the other 3 Directives. Consider Mulligan if you don't have many easy-to-play cards or if you have Magnum Opus (you don't want it early). You want a starting hand that will let you use up 3 of your 5 cards so that Safety First will fire first turn.

Early Game: Run first click, play 3 cards is about what you want each turn. Sometimes you may have to draw a card, sometimes you may have to spend a click on hitting Armitage. If you have it in your hand you can overdraw, install Pub Symp and still trigger Safety First. always trigger safety first if you can. It essentially is like playing with 5 clicks a turn if you do. This deck is designed to flow smoothly and easily from one card to another, so you should almost always be able to do this.

Mid Game: Back off, and don't feel guilty if you spend one or two turns without running. You need your rig, your rig is expensive, and you easily have the draw/econ power in this deck to get it running, as long as you don't screw yourself over by hitting ICE without breakers. Let the corp score an agenda or two if you have to. Don't be afraid to install your Brain Chip or Underworld Contract early if it means a free-fire on Safety First. Always keep an eye on your MU/link to make sure your Data Folding is firing. It might be okay if you have to shut it off for a turn or two in order to install a Multi-Threader to likewise fire Safety First, but only if you're pretty confident that you have an Agenda powered Brain Chip or Access to +2 link via Access to Globalsec coming soon.

Late Game: If you made it this far, it's time to shine. Your rig should be fully built and you should be able to break through almost any piece of ICE for 4~6 credits. This might sound like a lot, but by the end you should have 10+ recurring credits, not to mention a healthy stockpile from the previous turns. Use Interdiction to wipe corp currents. Use Film Critic as a silver bullet if you're afraid of Midseasons or Punitive Counterstrike or w/e. Use Levy once you run through your deck. Stimhack is your free-bee for when you know you need it to blow into a server. An Adam deck like this laughs at puny brain damage. Lastly, Magnum Opus is there should you actually manage to blow through your creds, armitages and daily casts. At this point it is simply a question of "can the corp build a server so expensive that you can't afford to break it each turn for more than 16 credits? If the answer is yes, ignore that server and hit a different one. They'll have at least 2 other good choices.

Overall: This deck sucks against fast advance but loves to fight glaciers. It also can't tutor, so if you need a specific breaker you have to rely on the rng gods to grant it to you. Luckily, between Diesel, Process Automation and Safety First, burning through your deck is pretty easy. Levy makes it so that you aren't screwed if the corp targets one type of breaker, or if you need the extra shielding from a constant net/meat damage deck.

Alterations: Infiltration can come in handy now and then but isn't a great card overall. You could swap it out for any neutral card and be fine--just make sure it's on the cheap-end, since early on you need to flow smooth through your deck and a big expensive clunky card will mess up your tempo. Any other neutral current can replace Interdiction--Interdiction just happened to be the one I chose. I really like Stimhack for a one-off trick. You could replace it with Scrubber if you wanted, or really any other 1-Inf card. Same with Film Critic if you don't feel like messing with it. Build Script is better for this deck than Process Automation, but I don't own Build Script so I couldn't use it : ) If you did and wanted to free up some influence to play around with other cards, I recommend Replacing the two Diesels with 2 Build Scripts. Alternatively, it might even be better to just replace Diesel with Quality Time anyway. The biggest issue is of course the 3 credit cost and the fact that early on, your hand size is only 3 which means you may not want the 5 card build-up.