Murder Inc.

umbralAeronaut 812

The gameplan is classic Supermodernism with a mid-game switch-hit for remote server shenanigans. Mulligan for an agenda that will make money as you score it. Start scoring it turn 1 or 2 behind gearcheck ETR ice. Try to immediately do this one more time if possible, icing up HQ (Enigma, Meru Mati, or Cobra are perfect) when you have a spare moment. By now the runner likely has programs, resources, and the will to stop what you're doing before it gets out of hand. This is when you start playing facedown cards and your Sentry ICE into remote servers, trusting in Snare! and the Argus ID to keep pressure light on your centrals. Bluff Ghost Branch or Shattered Remains as Geothermal and Snare! as Atlas, with Dedicated Response Teams and Zealous Judge waiting to ambush a poor decision. Install Corporate Town as needed to threaten Resources or add to the confusion. Overtax the runner's ability to check remotes with the threat of death until you can sneak a third 2-point agenda through a scoring window, or they kill themselves.