[SG+SU21] ProCo Ayla

PreNic 343

This deck is only based on System Gateway and System Update 2021. I would suggest to play this after practicing a little bit with the Starter Deck.

A few notes on the deck:

  1. Your ID allows you to see 6 cards at the beginning of the match and to select 4 of them. The main use of such ability is to increase your chances to have a specific card in the first turn. In this case, we are looking for Professional Contacts (also known as "ProCo" in the marvelous words of abbreviations and acronyms of Netrunner).

  2. Professional Contacts wants your attention, please it as much as possible. This is your main source of cards and . In addition, you have Sure Gamble and Creative Commission for a burst of credits. About the cards drawing, you also have Diesel: I am not a huge fan of Diesel together with Professional Contacts but sometimes you need to quickly refill your hand and this is where Diesel shines.

  3. Dirty Laundry can also be used to generate credits. My suggestion is to try using it to gain credits while making a valuable run (like paying a visit to the top of R&D) rather than just run on a unprotected-but-not interesting-Archives. Then feel free to avoid my suggestion if you need credits and you don't have any other options. :D Overclock is here to give you some extra during a run.

  4. Pantograph is your console; it will give you one additional and also giving you 1 and the possibility to install a card from your grip without spending a on each scored or stolen agenda. Considering that you have quite a bit of hardwares and programs in the deck, this is definitely a nice opportunity to spare 1.

  5. DZMZ Optimizer is here to both discount your programs and increase your . You normally want to install it early in the game to benefit of the discount on the programs. In general, it is a good source of additional . As a note, its ability applies on the first installed program "each turn", meaning that if the Corp scores an agenda in their turn and you have Pantograph installed, you could benefit from the discount of DZMZ Optimizer if you choose to install a program.

  6. T400 Memory Diamond is here for two reasons. The first is that Professional Contacts is happy to see a hand-size greater than 5: that allows to you to it for 1 card and 1 without bothering about discarding cards. The second reason is that some additional maybe useful with all the programs that you have

  7. I have included some criminal tricks: Inside Job can be used early game to prevent the Corp from rushing an agenda behind a single ice but also in the middle/late game to cheaply pass the first ice on the server. Forged Activation Orders has two uses. The first is put pressure on the economy of the Corp and occasionally trash an ice if they don't have enough credits to rez it. The second use is to "scout" which ices they have on a server (especially on R&D). This is a really valuable information that we can use to setup our icebreakers.

  8. The icebreaker suit is composed of two parts: a typical set of fracter, decoder and killer and a set of powerful AIs. Corroder, Unity and Echelon are strong icebreakers and in addition to that, Unity and Echelon will benefit from having multiple icebreakers installed. So they will be happy to share some with multiple copies of Atman.

  9. About Atman, it is only able to interface with ices having exactly its strength. So, let's do some homework and see what we have in System Gateway + System Update 21 in terms of strength of the ices:

    0 - Pop-up Window, Rototurret, Whitespace, Wraparound

    1 - Ice Wall (the strength can be increased), Ping, Tithe

    2 - Enigma, Swordsman

    3 - Diviner, Karunā, Magnet

    4 - Palisade (base strength of 2 but it goes to 4 if installed on a remote), Ansel 1.0, Ballista, Eli 1.0, Funhouse, Hortum (cannot be broken by AI if advanced by 3 or more), Lotus Field

    5 - Pharos (the strength goes to 8 if advanced 3 or more), Ravana 1.0, Tollbooth

    6 - Archer, Brân 1.0

    so, if I had to blindly install it I would say 4 would probably be a good choice. We can install multiple copies of Atman with different strength values. The aim is to make as cheap as possible running on a server that could either be the scoring remote or R&D if we are trying to close the game. As I was saying Forged Activation Orders is a tool that we have to scout which ices have been installed on a server.

  10. Leech can be used to lower the strength of an ice (with the exception of Lotus Field ;)). It works great with Atman because we could use it on Tollbooth (that has a strength of 5) to make its strength 4 and then being able to interface with an Atman having 4 power counters on it. This is a small example of what people call "shaper bullxxxx". As an additional note, you can spare some credits if you lower the strength of a killer with Leech rather than paying the boost cost on Echelon.

  11. Jailbreak, Docklands Pass and Conduit are all here to grant you multiple card accesses. Conduit is great when you need to steal one last agenda to win the match since every time you run R&D it will grant you access to one more card. Pushing heavily on Conduit may be also a good strategy if you think that the scoring remote of the Corp has become almost impenetrable. Just be aware of Snare!.

  12. Finally, Test Run is here to both tutor a program from the stack (it could be an icebreaker or even Conduit to close the game) or as a tool of recursion in case the Corp manages to trash some of your programs and you would like to get them back from the heap.

Mulligan: this is maybe a little different compared to other IDs. As I was saying at the beginning, your main target is to get Professional Contacts as soon as possible. So, keep Professional Contacts if you see in one of the six cards from Ayla's ability or keep your hand if it has Professional Contacts in it. If you fail to find ProCo (I had to use the abbreviation at least once), then Sure Gamble and Creative Commission are other good options in your starting hand.

OMG, a lot of writing, sorry!