Overtheory v2

iMarco 35

23 Jun 2014 pleaix

No draw :O would change 3x akamatsu for 3x professional contacts

23 Jun 2014 iMarco

Yeah, thought about drawing, but decided to drop Professional Contacts to make room for e3 Feedback Implants. Probably going to replace Akamatsu Mem Chip with Diesel.

23 Jun 2014 Dragindeth

In your experiance is Kati Jones enough Econ to support the deck? I put in a Magnum Opus to help ease the burden. Definitely like the Datasucker though!

23 Jun 2014 iMarco

No, but there are other Econ cards: Sure Gamble, Modded and The Toolbox. Also: you can Test Run Overmind, run, Scavenge it and run again.