Gagbox Surprise

BraveReality 359

21 May 2015 FarCryFromHuman

This looks downright mean-spirited...

Maybe drop a Hostile Infrastructure for a third Data Raven? It seems too integral to your strategy to only have two.

You seem a bit light on econ, but I haven't played it so I could be wrong there. Maybe consider Capital Investors?

Overall there's a pretty mad amount of synergy here. Nice job.

23 May 2015 skyrunner36

The Root is generally a good choice of econ for Gagarin. That said, it wouldn't hurt to include a Breaker Bay Grid or two to get it going that much faster.

23 May 2015 BraveReality

@FarCryFromHuman Dropping a Hostile Infrastructure for a Data Raven might be the right choice. Only taking 1 Net Damage doesn't seem like a large enough deterrent to trashing, but I may just be trying to over-engineer the deck.

Capital Investors would be a direct swap for Private Contracts... I think I'll try that in the next iteration, thanks!

@skyrunner36 The Root was left out because it doesn't help out on traces, but I can definitely see the value in it. My biggest concern was being able to afford it early enough to get worthwhile value.

24 May 2015 skyrunner36

That's a valid concern. Maybe Breaker Bay grid? It incorporates a moving part, sure, but paying 1 cred for rezzing the Root is powerful. Have you play-tested this deck yet? How does the economy hold up?

Also, on a seperate note, how do you guys link cards like that?