assuming control

cdwolstenholme 51

basic theory is economic control. Vamp, account siphon and lamprey all lose corp cash, and the combination ixodidae and order of sol mean a vamp run where all credits are thrown leaves me with 2 instead of 0.

If the corp purges virus counters to trash Ixodidae and Lamprey they spend 3 clicks and 6 credits, to cost me 2 credits and 2 clicks reinstalling. A win for me I think

Unfortunately it is currently 3 cards over and I can't figure what to cut

28 Dec 2014 GreenWing

Have you found fester to be worthwhile? Corps can swing credits by so much, i've always wondered whether its worth it.

28 Dec 2014 cdwolstenholme

@GreenWing when combined with other credit denial it can be very useful. In general purging for free is already costly, for 3 clicks; with fester it makes the decision to purge much more difficult for the corp. If they do then they play into the credit denial strategy, if they don't they allow more lamprey/ixodidae shenanigans, which also plays into my denial strategy

30 Dec 2014 xolino

You can replace MemStrips with Scheherazade, and get rid of 1 Same Old Thing, 1 Fester and 1 Vigil, as their usage is totally situational, and there you have 45 cards :).