
GameOfDroids 98

This deck is an update to this list: https://netrunnerdb.com/en/decklist/18233/qimpossible-1st-place-petrie-s-family-games-sc

I found that there were plenty of games where I never installed The Supplier and was still fine on money. Career Fair saves me 3 influence and is way nicer for Liberated Accounts, Daily Casts, and Earthrise Hotel.

Data Folding never really helped me out all that much, but Symmetrical Visage is really nice. It gives me that same drip econ, while helping me draw into more cards. It's quite nice, especially in games where I fear damage and want to keep my I've Had Worse in hand.

D4v1d is a great program helping out with big stuff Knight can't get through, and pairs well with E3. It originally was in there just to get around Turing on a remote, but since it works against a lot of ice so well, I put in another.

Zu13 is another way to get around Turing, usually if it's on a central. It also helps with early pressure against small code gates i.e. Quandary, Enigma, etc.

With my spare influence, I decided for Employee Strike. It slows things like EtF and NEH, but really shines against some of the nastier ID abilities and decks that rely on their ID more. RP, IG, Blue Sun, CI, Haarp, PE, and plenty more just have their whole strategy disrupted.

I also switched around the Stimhack for Scrubber, but that's more a reaction to the asset spam decks I'm seeing a lot lately. That slot could used for any number of tools.