Apex: Trash and Bash

Mojotroll 1

The basic premise of this deck is abusing the Console's ability to tag you, after being tagged on the first run and using the next two clicks to force the corp to discard and shake the tag on the fourth, I have added Harbinger and Endless Hunger and non-virtual resources as ways to get into servers when the corp installs to grab agendas when needed.

10 Nov 2015 Oneiro

I am sorry to point that out, but neither wireless net pavillon nor technical writer are virtual ressources so you cannot use them :/

10 Nov 2015 Mojotroll

Hey man I'm using them more as a facedown card. If I recall if they are facedown they don't have the faceup effects etc. Much like harbinger vs. Being facedown. Thats where I was getting at with using them. Just as a facedown card from apex's id

10 Nov 2015 Shunsen

But you could just use playable cards instead of junk...

10 Nov 2015 Mojotroll

The main goal of the deck is failing runs and using the junk to get you to agendas or a Jackson you were not able to remove during data reversal clicks. I have been thinking on it and I will likely put infiltrations in the deck to reduce the potential trashing of cards to hugged but as for the other junk. It's just there to feed the hunger