
david_annable 161

Let's be honest, the Jank is layed on pretty thick here. But it's fun none the less, so screw the haters.

This is a "refinement" of an old Kate/Darwin deck I built way back when Darwin was first new.

Now I know a savvy opponent can create a scoring window by wiping Darwin, which is why things like The Personal Touch are so important. And obviously, since Darwin is a pricey 2 per break, e3 becomes pretty important too. But at 2 influence, e3 was always a tough splash - especially for a card you only really need one-of.

Enter Tyson Observatory in Breaker Bay and suddenly, a bunch of things change. Not only are you able to include 3 of this cheap hardware tutor, but it sticks around once you do install it allowing you turn after turn of beautiful tutorage. Suddenly, e3 is an easy one-of include. And you needn't dig for your copies of The Personal Touch any more either.

The plan sort of works like this: First, get your Opus installed, followed as quickly by Darwin as you can. Then you need to start your hardware engine up. Preferably, you'll get e3 out pretty quickly with Tyson (or a lucky draw) so you can start putting on a bit of pressure. You want to get your Replicator out pretty soon too, so that you only need to tutor for things like The Personal Touch and Cyberfeeder once.

Once that engine is up, you'll be able to cheaply advance Darwin every turn. Once he's fully upgraded, even the turn after a wipe he'll sit at 4 strength which is nothing to sneeze at. Surge is there to keep your opponent guessing. With it in hand, you can come out of a wipe with Darwin at strength 6. Fancy!

The rest of the deck is supplimental and some of it can be changed depending on your taste. D4v1d is there to synergize with e3 against glacier (and to ruin Blue Sun's day). Mimic is your Swordsman defense and ZU.13 Key Master is there to help against Turing. Inti keeps those Wraparounds in check and Deus X and Sharpshooter are there to deal with the likes of Janus (etc) and Archer.

Pure jank. Lots of fun. Enjoy.

1 May 2015 Ooshkii

Have you considered a Djinn to support your high memory costs? Your econ looks like it might have a hard time as well... maybe a Kati Jones?

1 May 2015 david_annable

Memory is never an issue. The point is to use Darwin as the primary breaker. The others are there for emergencies only and you'd never have all of them installed at once.

Economy is handled perfectly via Magnum Opus. Kati is fairly redundant.

1 May 2015 Grimwalker

My reaction to any Kate build is "looks great...wonder if it'll work with Hayley?"

You'd be clicking Opus more often, but you'd also be accelerating your hardware build. I think it would be a net benefit.

1 May 2015 david_annable

Kate's link is pretty handy for this deck but I'm sure it'd be just as fun in Hayley. Unfortunately the deck isn't about speed at all no matter who you run it with.