Autobots, coalesce! aka you can run an econ w/o Sure Gamble

Reverse 50

Background - where an idea is born

A few months ago, I wondered if I can build a deck economy around Coalescence. My first attempt used Padma and a bunch of charge cards to make Coalescence "endless". It did not even reach the stage of a full deck, and I abandoned it.

But then some Métropole Grid stream, if I'm not mistaken, reminded me of our good friend Aesop. And having built and iterated on Padma decks in the meantime, I started being familiar with the Shaper cardpool.

And a distinct but similar, new idea sprung into existence, after much subconscious rumination:

What if Coalescence & Rigging Up & Muse & Aesop’s Pawnshop?

Then I thought "perhaps I can even skip Hedge Fund".

(yes, I keep misfiring and telling people "fun fact, this deck doesn't have Hedge Fund". I'm waiting for someone to respond "duh, of course it doesn't, it's a Runner deck", but nobody has as of yet. I'm keeping the dream alive)

I started making the deck, and stole the idea for the breaker suite & wincon from Rhahi's Hypermantle Kit. And I realized everything I'm adding to the deck for the economy, also helps with the breakers & the wincon and vice versa.

Alright, enough background, here's how to play the deck.

How to pilot

I'm not the best pilot, so admittedly take all this with a grain of salt.


Coalescence is not great on its own, but in this deck, we can improve the yield in various ways. Rigging Up & Coalescence, especially if we also have a Pawnshop, is 7 in two turns for essentially one click. Then we can bring back that same Coalescence with Muse (which is credit-neutral) and now have potential for 6 from Pawnshop.

DZMZ Optimizers improve the yield on Muse & Coalescence.

In a pinch, even though it can do more important things, Simulchip can be used to bring back a Coalescence, often without trashing any program because Pawnshop has trashed one.

Rejig can be used to reinstall a whole slew of things, including a Coalescence.

If you run out, start over.

How to win

We win by being good at breaking stuff, or even bypassing it with Physarum Entangler, and having the best multi-access™. Read Rhahi's writeup on how to use Mantle & Hyperbaric to charge The Twinning as fast as cyborgly possible.

How to not lose

If you suspect rig-shooting, save your Simulchips. If you suspect resource trashing, keep an extra Aesop's in hand, and put Reclaim down.

Don't facecheck into a high-strength ICE too early with just Hyperbaric. Don't forget that it takes 2 to give it +1 strength!

Fun tips

  • Simulchip - 'chip is so useful here! It can reinstall Coalescence when we're strapped, revive a trashed icebreaker (let's be honest, Hyperbaric), move Physarum Entangler or Ika for free, recharge Pelangi, and combines well with Aesop’s Pawnshop.

    I am too often guilty of going for a 46th card so I really tried to cut down this deck, but if I added a 46th, it would be a 3rd 'chip.

  • Rejig - acts as a sort of a 'chip-lite in this deck and can recharge/install Cataloguer!
  • Overclock can add two power counters to Hyperbaric for cheap (besides all other ways in which it's useful)!


Rig-shooting, for obvious reasons. Tags can also be annoying since we only have one The Twinning and our main protection (besides Labor Rights or a risky Ashen) is also a resource.

Should also have a hard time against End of the Line decks.

Potential tweaks

I cut down one Diesel and one Simulchip for a couple of Burners because I love that card and it can save you on many occasions. However the ratios can be tweaked. 1x Burner might be enough, if one has one more Diesel to draw it more reliably.

Rejig is cute and can save you sometimes, but it's not really necessary. Frankly, 2x Creative Commission instead, might be wise.

I've added a Cataloguer because it's cool and I love it and it combos well with a few of the other cards cards but honestly, I'm not sure it's the best use of that slot. If you remove even one of them it might not be worth it (plus it doesn't combo with Aesop’s).

It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that the first iteration had 3x Trick Shots. If it's ever unbanned, you should add at least 2, with -1 Overclock, -1 Burner or Cataloguer.

Final notes - aka the answer to everyone's question

I have no idea what the deck name means. It just came to me in a fever dream.

Thanks to Rhahi for the skeleton of the deck!