NEXT Design Rush

Spinach 1

come on, step it up

5 Nov 2015 Krams

I like how you managed to do everything other people use Jackson Howard for with Operations. Having no assets is a nice touch, especially in an asset-heavy meta. People will not expect that, especially from HB. And I like the idea of a deck with ridiculously low costs that simply doesn't need money.

But I still think you'll loose against anyone who manages to get some cheap breakers out fast. A Corroder and a ZU.13 Key Master and you basically have no defense. There are a lot of possibilities to cut through those ICE with only 1 or 2 cards for less than 5 install cost.

Maybe you should use 3x NEXT Bronze and 3x NEXT Silver, so that your ICE at least build up some strength if you lay out some more of them. You could cover the additional costs by replacing an Anonymous Tip with some Green or Blue Level Clearances. Maybe even replace Hedge Fund with Clearances or Beanstalk Royalties since it's basically your only card that costs more than 2 besides your Guard. In a rush deck, it might be too much of a tempo hit to click for creds two times just to be able to use the third on Hedge Fund.

5 Nov 2015 Spinach

@Krams thanks for your input! I originally just published this so I could link a friend to the deck and didn't expect anyone to read it, but since you've expressed interest, and I really like this deck, I'm going to share an in-depth explanation of this deck.

So this deck was born out of a thought experiment. I was discussing Netrunner with my friend and we arrived at the conclusion that NEXT Design is primarily only better than ETF for the first 2 or so turns of the game.

So with that knowledge, I asked myself, what can you do in the first 2 turns that can win you the game? Well, we have a bunch of ice in play, so why don't we score an agenda? This led to the question, "What agenda can win you the game if scored?" Since I had been messing around with the Accelerated Shutdown combo deck at the time, my thoughts jumped to Efficiency Committee. With a Committee scored, we can install a 2/3, advance once, then Shipment out an agenda to score it. If we do that 3 times, we win!

So with that win condition in mind, I decided to drastically warp the deck around scoring Committee within the first 2 turns. Ideally, you start the game with an ice on a remote, install a second ice, install EffComm, and advance once. We rez an ice to stop their facecheck, then score on t2. From there, it's mostly just a race to end the game with Shipments before they can steal enough agendas.

You're definitely right that Green Level Clearances are a viable option. It seems like there was some reason that I didn't like it in the past, but I can't for the life of me remember why I didn't want it, so I will likely cut the Hedge Funds for them. Funnily enough, Subliminal Messaging is the best econ card in this deck, primarily because it doesn't cost a click!

NEXT Silver is definitely something I've thought about. The main reason I haven't added any is the combination of its cost of 3, and it being an easy victim for Parasite on top of that. But it's definitely possible that I need an ice or two that helps me draw out the game a bit.

Honestly, this is one of my favorite deck concepts and I'd love to make it viable.