Lttlefoot 1286

Your main breaker is Faust, which is powered by Collective Consciousness to get more fuel mid-run (especially in multiples). Later on, you can use Ankusa and Golden to not only pass but also derez ice, allowing your CCs and Compromised Employees to trigger again. You can also search for a Crescentus if you want to derez code gates.

To install all these programs you have NetChip. Astrolabe pulls double duty, increasing your memory limit and drawing cards. Your economy is powered by Magnum Opus, with help from Dirty Laundry and Modded (synergises with Golden). Clot is your defence against Fast Advance while Film Critic deals with butchers and TFPs. You don't need much multi-access since you most likely have economic inevitability, but the three Maker's Eyes will help you if you need to race.

25 Aug 2016 HolyMackerel

HQ pressure? This deck looks like it's crying out for some Legworks. I might consider cutting the Parasite and Compromised Employee, and add two Legworks. It's so devastating when you need it, and with Levy ypu get twice the fun.

25 Aug 2016 x3r0h0ur

A single datasucker is going to see more use than any other adds IMO. Faust and parasite focus are clutch. I'd slot in patron for draw, since Faust likes to eat cards. Cybsoft Macrodrive could be good too, to help reinstall golden where Sahasrara would chew up MU you don't have (you'd be looking at cutting some net chips here). Also it works on parasite, crescentus, and clot, which you'll be installing a few times a game.

I'd do like -1 comp-e +1 data sucker, -6 net chip + 2 cybsoft macrodrive +3 patron, +1 cybersolutions -1 ankusa +1 akmatsu memchip

Seems like a lot of changes, but its really a lot of streamlining, with the same concept. If you like netchips, tech writer seems like a natural econ add.

Maybe Ice Analyzer is a good grab too given the game plan.

25 Aug 2016 HolyMackerel

Also, considering your 3 Modded, you might want to consider Gordian Blade instead of Zu. Stacking code gates is a good way to beat you, let's solve that ^^