Glacier Ops

tmoiynmwg 6336

I took 2nd place at Brookhurst Hobbies with this corp deck on 3/29/2014. Double Time was legal and about 20 people were in attendance. I was originally inspired by this list:

The most important aspect of this deck is that every single ice in the deck is extremely taxing. Each is a big pain to get through, and any two pieces on a server will typically be sufficient to deter runs for most of the game. Because there are no ice that are easily broken, the deck has a crushing late game where any run is massively unprofitable. I have won many games by concession with this deck.

The main weakness lies in the early game, before the taxing central ice is set up. To compensate, I play an extremely low agenda density and very few trashable cards, to minimize the chance of early agenda theft. The few assets and upgrades that remain enable scoring three 5/3's behind some taxing ice, which is often necessary to win.

Powerful economy operations are what allow the deck to function, but clicking for credits often and maximizing the identity power are equally important. Always remember how expensive your ice is; you can never have enough money with this deck.

The rest of the deck is filled out with utility operations that offer counterplay. Because I play such a slow game, I have a decent chance of seeing the appropriate answer in the right matchup. - Bioroid Efficiency Research shores up the early game and counters Emergency Shutdown. - Cyberdex Trial is very helpful against Datasucker/Medium/Parasite. - Hellion Alpha Test is HB's only tool to fight the runner economy; it's situationally great against Kati Jones, Professional Contacts, and Liberated Account. - Archived Memories and Interns are extremely important and versatile. They can serve as the additional economy card you need, return Ash or Off the Grid after it gets trashed from R&D, or return a key ice after the runner trashes it.