Palana Curling Team (3rd place Omaha Regional 2017)

GameOfDroids 98

This is just Nelsormensch's Gheeraffes with some changes. First, I hate Celebrity Gift. Showing your hand is just too big a disadvantage and I don't like it. I switched the 3 Gift for the third copy of IPO, one Restructure and a third Caprice. I also made the switch from Voter Intimidation to Scarcity for additional Rumor Mill hate and just to hate on resource in general.

Swiss Round 1 - vs Frantic Mopus Vamp MaXX This was a nightmare of a game. I was never able to secure the remote and faced incredible pressure on my centrals. MaxX used their 2 Rumor Mills and Vamp with support from Same Olds and Deja Vus to keep me down and pull things from Keyhole, HQ and the remote.

Swiss Round 2 - vs InversifiKitor I completely don't see Inversificator coming, try to score behind Mind Game into Chiyashi against Kit figuring I'm safe. Nope. They keep me mostly R&D locked until I got 3 Eli's rezzed there, but my remote was never safe again, even with an Excalibur and a Nisei token. I eventually bleed out Agendas and lose to R&D digging.

Swiss Round 3 vs InversifiKitor By this time, I've heard that this is nearly the same list as last round so I'm a bit more prepared. It helped that this Kit struggled to get Magnum online in the early game, so I got an early Nisei score. I managed to get a good Batty hit; trashing their Inversificator, then score another Nisei while they dug for the other copy. With two Nisei counters, scoring a Food was pretty easy.

Swiss Round 4 is a bye round for me, I joined a nearby game demo and learned Nefarious. It's a simple little card game about mad scientists inventing silly things.

I make fourth seed for the top cut to 4! Los was mostly the one doing work.

Cut Game 1 - Rematch vs MaxX The 3rd seed chooses to play against Palana with MaxX which is a wise choice on their part. I made some bold moves in this game starting with single advancing a Nisei behind a Seidr while they had a Clippy in the bin. They didn't check it. :) A turn later I put a Braintrust in the remote and pretended it was Caprice for a turn or two and eventually scored it. I weathered a vamp or 3, but eventually scored a Food behind an Excalibur.

I lose game 2 as Los versus the second seed, which puts me up against the top seed for game 3. This was a fairly nerve wracking experience; since we are they only game at the time. all eyes are on us!

Cut game 3 - Sifr Whizz I definitely could have played this better. After learning his economy was L4J style resources, I for some reason kept a hold of the Scarcity in my hand. Had I played it, things might have been different, but many parasites, Sifr, and a Morningstar later and well.... Medium wins games.