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Standard Ban List 23.09 (latest) |
Standard Ban List 23.08 (active) |
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The Spaces Between |
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The Source |
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Card draw simulator |
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Can o' Whupass | 718 | 551 | 212 |
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Credit goes to @tyrellian for his original deck.
Cards Removed from original deck
-1 Imp: I took the imp out because I figure since this deck isn't about running, it doesn't need to be in here. Imp can only fire once per turn and only if you're running meaning you're doing runs over multiple turns when really that's not what you want. It's not something you want to Déjà Vu back into your hand either. There's more important cards for that. The only thing Imp gets you, it saves you some money when trashing remotes and puts a counter on Gravedigger which you can do with Virus Breeding Ground every turn anyway. You can then spend two clicks every turn to mill a card if you're not in a position to do anything else.
-2 Aesop's Pawnshop: This one I took out because really what is there to sell? You'll sell the Cache and maybe the Earthrise Hotel unless you need the card draw. You're not selling any of the other virus's in here.
-2 Grimoire: The reason I removed this is because I wanted to fit other cards in and didn't see it adding much value. Unlike other decks that might require it, what it gains you here after the purges start is +1 credit from every Cache and +1 credit from the Gorman Drip v1. Everything else is getting powered by either Virus Breeding Ground or your Hivemind.
Cards added:
+2 Clone Chip: My biggest concern with this deck after running similar decks with my only breaker being AI are things like swordsman. It'll kill my Darwin, I'll have to use a Déjà Vu to get it back. What's more ideal is to have a Parasite in the heap and bring it back in killing whatever ICE I don't like (and milling a card of course). Even if you don't have Parasite in the bin, you can fetch it with your next click, kill the ice and then it's in the bin in case anything else nasty pops up, like something that's big and expensive to get through. I'd love to have Self-modifying Code in here but it's just not going to fit.
+2 Parasite: As mentioned, these are for killing big ice or ice that my breaker can't interact with.
+1 Cyberfeeder: Pays for most of the deck.
27 May 2015
Depending on MU problems, I might put a Grimoire or two back in. But I think with Progenitor and 3 Djinn it won't be much of an issue.