RevCore NBN

internet_potato 962

This is the NBN deck that I played in round 4 of the first Stimhack-3-core tournament organized by fightingwalloon.

I wanted to try all of the IDs over the course of the tournament, though I felt like NBN was pretty weak.

The plan here was basically to make tags into tax, as Data Raven and Hunter are both quite cheap for their economic hit. However, punishment is pretty limited. This deck didn't really work-- would have been better with more Psychographics (insurance against tag-me) and more Closed Accounts for opening scoring windows. The hope was that if the runner is consistently clearing tags, you can use Ash 2X3ZB9CY and/or Red Herrings to get scores.

At any rate, the match where I played this can be seen here.

21 Dec 2017 PureFlight

My secret revcore-only tech has been Wall of Static because the fracters in revcore are terrible.

How did you feel about the agenda density? 12 feels like a lot, but maybe I'm just used to having GFI around.

Do you feel like you'd want a Ghost Branch to drag them thru the remote and create a scoring window that way?

21 Dec 2017 internet_potato

Agenda density was not great, but NBN only has TGTBT, Project Beale, and the neutrals-- so the only change I could make would be taking out a mix of TGTBT and False Lead to put in a second prireq. A grim proposition indeed!

Ghost Branch is not a bad idea. The challenge here was coming up with a balance of ICE that keeps the runner out, tag-bestowing cards, and tag-punishment. I'm really not sure how to make a functional NBN deck with 3x revised core-- maybe losing some of the assets and a SEA source to put in ghost branch and more tag punishment (psycho and closed accounts)? For sure the best part about playing this ID was getting 3x tollbooth without spending influence.

It's a real puzzle, and I don't think I came close to cracking it. I would love to see it if anybody from this event came up with something workable.

21 Dec 2017 internet_potato

Agenda density kind of sucks, but since NBN only has TGTBT and Beale in the core (and I already have 3x PSF), the only change I could make would be trading 3 1-pointers for a prireq and/or taking out a PSF and a 1-pointer for a prireq. Grim.

The Ghost Branch suggestion is a good one. For the overall strategy to work, I would have to balance tag-bestowing cards, tag-punishment, and cards like ash and herrings that can get a scoring window against an economically weak runner. I failed to strike that balance, and hitting a 2-advanced ghost branch is probably just about the most efficient way to make the runner think about going tag-me.

Maybe dumping SEA Source and some of the assets to add Ghost Branch and more Closed Accounts/Psychographics would do it.

I don't know. I would be really inerested to see a functional NBN deck made out of 3x core. I think it's do-able but I couldn't figure it out.

Agreed re: core fracters-- NBN has the disadvantage of having the least-taxing barrier in the core. I figured that since both Wall of Static and Wraparound cost 1 credit for morning star and 2 credits for Battering Ram, I might as well go for the cheaper choice.