[Startup] The Corp that you faced in the Sahas scoop, again

AceEmpress 534

This is just harmonbee's RH from the previous startup tournament in Brum but with the Boto instead of an Enigma because I committed to that change, and the Offworld Offices replaced with Nisei MK IIs because I didn't want to desleeve them from standard and the money felt fine. I also was on one Diviner but I fully do not remember where that slot came from.

On the day, it went 2-1, losing only to Hello punishing a rough opener and me greedily pushing an agenda perfectly, and then getting very lucky off a double on a 5 card HQ with 2 agendas in even after Hermes bouncing a non-agenda. Looking back, I don't think I was winning that game regardless, but it definitely felt a bit rough in the moment. Other highlights include learning that Kit makes barriers into code gates for the run. This means Sisyphus Protocol sees you passing a code gate and goes "do you want to do it again?". Even Lobisomem struggles with breaking a Boto at threat 3 times.

There's also one bit from the last game, against lif3line, which might have been the most vindicated I've ever felt about my tendency to overthink the answer to "what kills me" in any game of Netrunner. They're currently undefeated, are on effectively my Arissana, and we're most of the way into the game. It's 4-4, there's a Sisyphus and Nisei with a counter in my score area. They have no real breakers, a Slap Vandal that has been putting in work with UAV, and something like 30 credits. They Window of Opportunity R&D, derez the Seraph, and are about to access when I take a moment to think, at first just for show, if I want to use the Nisei counter. I then realise that R&D is looking quite slim, I haven't seen any Send a Messages yet, and though the remote is incredibly secure now if they get breakers the Nisei counter won't be much help taxing them out. I also have a moment of going "Adam must be desperate, they're a good player, they wouldn't WoO for a single if they thought they had better lines."

I decide to use the Nisei counter.

Next turn, mandatory draw the card they would have accessed, it's a Send a Message. I desperately try not to let it show as I install double advance in the remote, which then becomes the win when they flatline contesting it.