Oh... lucky you.

Reverse 47

A multitude of 1-point agendas for the runner to steal and suffer 2 meat damage or 1 tag from the Identity ability. Also, two copies of The Board to make most of what the runner steals pointless. A mixture of cheap and expensive ICE, including Archer, which fits perfectly with the included agendas.

Ideally, at some point in the game, this Corp will have a powerful server with Archer plus one more ICE, hosting The Board and an Oaktown Grid to make it very very expensive to steal. Then, the idea is to manage to score a Private Security Force plus The Cleaners, to be able to dole out 6 meat damage with 3 clicks.

Either that or an eventual Posted Bounty + Scorched Earth combo (potentially with The Cleaners as well).

Comment away, I've only played this twice on Jinteki.net, and I want to make it better.

18 Sep 2015 PeterCapObvious

Consider adding Snatch and Grab, seeing that if the runner were to access an agenda they would be able to host it on Film Critic to avoid your I'D ability

18 Sep 2015 PeterCapObvious

Adding SEA Source to your decklist will be another way to tag the runner, making it easier to land your kill combo too

18 Sep 2015 Mechanoise

With Data & Destiny coming out I'll guess that Employee Strike will be popular, regardless, that card kills this ID, so I'd recommend currents of your own to turn them off.

You already have a The Future is Now so I don't think you need Aggressive Negotiation. I would instead add Housekeeping, it's a horrible card for the runner, it slows them down, it keeps knocking cards from their grip, and it'll shut down any runner currents on the board.