
ff0X 820

This is the corp deck I brought for the 2nd SSCI and I am really happy with the performance on the day. It seems like a lot of people forgot how to play against Haarpsichord again which certainly helped. Another reason why I brought this deck was the time over which the tournament would be taking place. I though the longer the tournament goes, the better the deck will be. In general it turned out to be a good call. However, Rebirth -> Edward Kim kicked me out of the tournament eventually - finishing in 3rd place. Which was quite a lot better then I expected.

Overall I am quite happy with the list and there is very little I would want to change but with the new MWL I will have to.

18 Jul 2016 FarCryFromHuman

You don't have to change much. You can just drop a Scorched Earth for the three influence you need for Breaking News. If you spend the free influence on another Weyland card you could get Consulting Visit in here as well, which might help with losing the third SE. You'd have to drop a 24/7 News Cycle or something?

19 Jul 2016 ff0X

Consulting Visit is nice and I almost played it in this list, too. In case I will play it, one Midseason Replacement will be replaced most likely. But going down to just 2 Scorched Earth really hurts.

19 Jul 2016 JackMade

Hard-Hitting News could be a viable option as well instead of Midseason Replacements. Beanstalk Royalties is the easiest way to still be able to play 3 Breaking News 2 Scorched Earth and 3 Traffic Accident.

20 Jul 2016 The Real C

The ideal Weyland card to slap in for getting to Consulting Visit range is Shadow, in my opinion; such an underappreciated little ice, but great both before and after the tagstorm hits. Mind you, Consulting Visit only really starts to shine when you have room for some utility operations like The All-Seeing I or Closed Accounts, but it's great as a killer in general. Its only downside is not really working well with 24/7 News Cycle, though, unless you magically found room for Subcontract as well.